Sunday, January 31, 2016

Ode To Superheroes

Ode To Superheroes

by Bud Lemire on April 6, 2003

There goes Spiderman, climbing up the wall

Flying to the rescue, Superman answers a call

The Hulk is on a rampage, and it's quite a sight

Up there in the sky, we see Green Lantern's light

Swinging around the corner, is Daredevil, the man without fear

The Flash is so fast, can't even tell if he is near

The X-Men are on the scene, with Professor Xavier in his chair

The caped crusaders Batman and Robin, sure do make quite a pair

Wonder Woman arrives, who could ask for more

And holding his hammer, is the Thunder God Thor

Look closely at the trees, and you'll see The Swamp Thing

Captain America is so amazing, with his boots that have a wing

Aquaman is chatting, with the dolphins and the whale

The Sub-Mariner watches, to the astonishing tale

The Justice League Of America, makes sure that all is fine

The Fantastic Four make an appearance, so no one is out of line

Up up it goes, shooting fast, it's the Green Arrow

The Silver Surfer glides in, on a board that is kind of narrow

The elements gone wild, we see the Metal Men

The Avengers appear, and then we count to ten

In a puff of smoke, Dr.Strange appears

A party for Superheroes, calming all our fears

So many of their adventures, through the years I've read

Taking me to places I've enjoyed, I'd say 'Nuff Said'

I've read so many comic books in my life. They aren't just for kids anymore.

If you're an adult and you have an imagination, let it go, and enjoy them. I did.

The stories are well done, and the authors and artists take you on a journey of

the heart and soul.

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