by Bud Lemire on Dec 18, 2007
When planning a family, remember what I say
Share all your love, for it’s the only way
A child with love, is like a seed with sunshine
It’ll grow in the light, and be blessed by the divine
Don’t abuse the new life, that’s given to you
Or darkness will prevail, in everything you do
What is learned, and taught at the start
Will leave a scar, that will never part
Wherever this soul, happens to go
It’ll carry the pain, of the memories it knows
The future all depends, on the love that you give
How they are treated, is how they will live
Be someone to look up to, make them so proud
Don’t mess up their lives, for crying out loud
The love that you give, or the love that they lack
Depends upon you, on how it’ll come back
As you sit all alone, in your old age
Wishing you could change some words on the page
The damage you did, was already done
Love was missing, now you have no one
While others are surrounded, by love that’s returned
You get back exactly what you had earned
So while you are out there, making a living
The Life That You Touch, depends on what you’re giving
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Housefly Heaven
by Bud Lemire on Oct 6, 2007
With a rolled up magazine, she swats at a fly
"You dirty little bugger, you're going to die!"
"You heard what I said, I'm sure of it"
And with a swing, she makes a hit
One fly is dead, watch out for the rest
When Loretta's on the loose, she gives her best
One just landed upon that chair
With a swipe of her hand, a dead one is there
Two down, but there's many more
They're coming on people who come in the door
Another fly is spotted near the place where I sit
There she goes again, she's not going to quit
Three down, and she's spotted some more
A swing and a hit, now she's killed four
"You can't hide from me, you won't stay alive"
And on the table by the jigsaw, she's now killed five
She's really good, when she has them in sight
Down comes the roll, with all of her might
Six are now dead, will there be seven
Splat! There goes the seventh, to Housefly Heaven
With a rolled up magazine, she swats at a fly
"You dirty little bugger, you're going to die!"
"You heard what I said, I'm sure of it"
And with a swing, she makes a hit
One fly is dead, watch out for the rest
When Loretta's on the loose, she gives her best
One just landed upon that chair
With a swipe of her hand, a dead one is there
Two down, but there's many more
They're coming on people who come in the door
Another fly is spotted near the place where I sit
There she goes again, she's not going to quit
Three down, and she's spotted some more
A swing and a hit, now she's killed four
"You can't hide from me, you won't stay alive"
And on the table by the jigsaw, she's now killed five
She's really good, when she has them in sight
Down comes the roll, with all of her might
Six are now dead, will there be seven
Splat! There goes the seventh, to Housefly Heaven
Morning Crisis
by Bud Lemire on Oct 4, 2007
Helpless to rise, she's given a nudge
She opens one eye, but can barely budge
"Oh please not again, just let me stay"
"Oh Mother, let me sleep, please go away"
She rolls over, to go back to sleep
Another nudge comes, and also a beep
She decides is is time, for her to get up
I don't want it harder, enough is enough
"Oh what should I wear, what feels good on me?"
"What will others say, when they look and they see?"
"I guess I'll try each, and see what I'll wear"
"Now if I knew, what to do with my hair"
Her Mother looks in, to see if she's ready or not
"I guess I should be thankful, for what I've got"
So she gets ready and sits and watches TV
"I wonder what this day, holds for me"
Helpless to rise, she's given a nudge
She opens one eye, but can barely budge
"Oh please not again, just let me stay"
"Oh Mother, let me sleep, please go away"
She rolls over, to go back to sleep
Another nudge comes, and also a beep
She decides is is time, for her to get up
I don't want it harder, enough is enough
"Oh what should I wear, what feels good on me?"
"What will others say, when they look and they see?"
"I guess I'll try each, and see what I'll wear"
"Now if I knew, what to do with my hair"
Her Mother looks in, to see if she's ready or not
"I guess I should be thankful, for what I've got"
So she gets ready and sits and watches TV
"I wonder what this day, holds for me"
My Search Is Over
by Bud Lemire on Aug 9, 2007
My search is over, now I know
I found the one who completes my soul
I know she’ll walk with me until the end of time
Forever our love, her soul within mine
She is a treasure, precious and rare
And everything, is what we share
I felt her love, she gives it all to me
And I’ve come to a place I’ve always wanted to be
A place I had given up hope of ever seeing
Now I know the soul within the human being
Deep, so very deep, it touches the core
And I crave her presence, so much more
I long so much to have her by my side
So strong the pull, that I’ve often cried
There’s enough time, for our time together
But each moment we do, is the greatest treasure
I have truly found the love of my life
Some day in our future, she will be my wife
I know I shall never let her go
My Search Is Over, because now I know
My search is over, now I know
I found the one who completes my soul
I know she’ll walk with me until the end of time
Forever our love, her soul within mine
She is a treasure, precious and rare
And everything, is what we share
I felt her love, she gives it all to me
And I’ve come to a place I’ve always wanted to be
A place I had given up hope of ever seeing
Now I know the soul within the human being
Deep, so very deep, it touches the core
And I crave her presence, so much more
I long so much to have her by my side
So strong the pull, that I’ve often cried
There’s enough time, for our time together
But each moment we do, is the greatest treasure
I have truly found the love of my life
Some day in our future, she will be my wife
I know I shall never let her go
My Search Is Over, because now I know
The Other Me
by Bud Lemire on July 29, 2007
It isn’t hard to see
That you are The Other Me
Your thoughts mirror my own
And with you I never feel alone
You speak the words before I do
And I feel I am a part of you
I feel your emotions, and you feel mine
Your energy within me, is the best sign
God knew part of me was incomplete
So he brought us together, so we could meet
Then he knew we needed much more
So in Dream time, he opened the door
We both meet there every night
Merging together in each others light
Together each of us become one
Not stopping until the morning comes
When the morning comes, we bathe in each others sunshine
For what else would our love do, we’re part of the divine
It isn’t hard to see
That you are, The Other Me
It isn’t hard to see
That you are The Other Me
Your thoughts mirror my own
And with you I never feel alone
You speak the words before I do
And I feel I am a part of you
I feel your emotions, and you feel mine
Your energy within me, is the best sign
God knew part of me was incomplete
So he brought us together, so we could meet
Then he knew we needed much more
So in Dream time, he opened the door
We both meet there every night
Merging together in each others light
Together each of us become one
Not stopping until the morning comes
When the morning comes, we bathe in each others sunshine
For what else would our love do, we’re part of the divine
It isn’t hard to see
That you are, The Other Me
As Beautiful As A Butterfly
by Bud Lemire on July 29, 2011
She changed into a butterfly and flew away
They thought she was crazy in every way
Where she went, nobody knows
But some say she got stuck on a rose
Some have said she transformed into a beautiful white eagle
Others have said what she does isn’t considered legal
But I always loved to see her spread her wings
And always felt the love her presence brings
Some tried to pin her wings so she couldn’t fly
But I released her when I heard her cry
I held her tight, and set her free
And in return, she gave her love to me
Beauty was the design on her wings
I feel it and my heart sings
One of God’s creatures, a work of art
Deep in my soul, she lands on my heart
She flies away again, but I know she’ll return
Into a warm embrace, for whom we each yearn
Before me stands a woman, as beautiful as a butterfly
Carrying a love so strong and true, it’ll never die
She changed into a butterfly and flew away
They thought she was crazy in every way
Where she went, nobody knows
But some say she got stuck on a rose
Some have said she transformed into a beautiful white eagle
Others have said what she does isn’t considered legal
But I always loved to see her spread her wings
And always felt the love her presence brings
Some tried to pin her wings so she couldn’t fly
But I released her when I heard her cry
I held her tight, and set her free
And in return, she gave her love to me
Beauty was the design on her wings
I feel it and my heart sings
One of God’s creatures, a work of art
Deep in my soul, she lands on my heart
She flies away again, but I know she’ll return
Into a warm embrace, for whom we each yearn
Before me stands a woman, as beautiful as a butterfly
Carrying a love so strong and true, it’ll never die
Challenges Of The Soul
by Bud Lemire on July 26, 2007
It’s a challenge of the soul
To take part in all we know
To feel all that is there
And to know and be aware
If life was too easy, you would never find
The hidden parts, that connect us to the divine
For the older we get, they’re forgotten and not used
And a soul should be used fully, not to be abused
The spirit that is us, is what helps you through
The hardships and the trials, that come to you
We listen to the voices, that speak to us
Yet sometimes we lose hope, and find it hard to trust
Only in our faith, can our belief be strong
That our Angels and our Guides, are helping us along
Sometimes you feel lonely, yet you’re never alone
They hear your every thought, as if upon the phone
All you need to do, is open up and know
That there will always be, Challenges Of The Soul
Open up and be, everything you’re meant to be
Only then will you find, an even greater destiny
It’s a challenge of the soul
To take part in all we know
To feel all that is there
And to know and be aware
If life was too easy, you would never find
The hidden parts, that connect us to the divine
For the older we get, they’re forgotten and not used
And a soul should be used fully, not to be abused
The spirit that is us, is what helps you through
The hardships and the trials, that come to you
We listen to the voices, that speak to us
Yet sometimes we lose hope, and find it hard to trust
Only in our faith, can our belief be strong
That our Angels and our Guides, are helping us along
Sometimes you feel lonely, yet you’re never alone
They hear your every thought, as if upon the phone
All you need to do, is open up and know
That there will always be, Challenges Of The Soul
Open up and be, everything you’re meant to be
Only then will you find, an even greater destiny
by Bud Lemire on April 27, 2007
These are some birthday wishes I send
To a wonderful co-worker and a friend
I wish that all good things come your way
And I hope that you have a Happy Birthday
People come, and people go
But there aren’t too many, that I know
Who have such a special soul
And you handle it like a pro
You really care for how they feel
Your love and devotion is for real
You always give your very best
Making sure they get good rest
You make sure their good health is assured
You always give your clients and encouraging word
This poem honors all that you give
Making their lives easier to live
It’s now been close to a year
That I worked with you near
One couldn’t have picked a better friend
And Kathy, these are the words I send
Happy Birthday to my friend Kathy Valind-Minor!
These are some birthday wishes I send
To a wonderful co-worker and a friend
I wish that all good things come your way
And I hope that you have a Happy Birthday
People come, and people go
But there aren’t too many, that I know
Who have such a special soul
And you handle it like a pro
You really care for how they feel
Your love and devotion is for real
You always give your very best
Making sure they get good rest
You make sure their good health is assured
You always give your clients and encouraging word
This poem honors all that you give
Making their lives easier to live
It’s now been close to a year
That I worked with you near
One couldn’t have picked a better friend
And Kathy, these are the words I send
Happy Birthday to my friend Kathy Valind-Minor!
My 1,000th Poem
By Bud Lemire on April 2nd, 2007
This is my 1,000th poem
I didn’t get this far alone
You the reader, kept me going strong
Being supportive of me all along
Thank you for bringing me this far
Your comments make me feel like a star
The best I can do, is to share my poems with you
In my poems, a piece of my soul comes through
Your appreciation touches my soul
I thank you for always letting me know
So that through my poems I can grow
And it’ll help you in your lifetime role
In future poems, I’ll pick subjects that’s guide
With issues that’ll touch you deep down inside
I’ll pick people who deserve to be written about
Give you confidence, leaving you without any doubt
I hope you continue to enjoy the poems I write
In the process you’ll get to know my soul’s light
I’ll carry on, writing them as they come to me
And put them in a place for you to see
Thank you so very much for being the source of my motivation. I thank both those in spirit, and those here on Earth, who have been there with me guiding me and supporting me.
The Essentials Of The Soul
by Bud Lemire on March 11, 2007
Sometimes one must see beyond what is seen
To what is felt
To what is known
To what use to be
To what has grown
One step at a time
Step in step
Ahead in time
Hand in hand
The Future
Of what will be
From what once was
To where one should be
Taken from the past
Yet not the past exactly
With present included
In the landscape of time
Is given to each other
Felt deep inside
Beneath the skin
To where lies the soul
Strong enough to make you whole
That will make you dance
In joyful harmony
Sing along a chant
That touches everyone
The music of the soul
Sometimes one must see beyond what is seen
To what is felt
To what is known
To what use to be
To what has grown
One step at a time
Step in step
Ahead in time
Hand in hand
The Future
Of what will be
From what once was
To where one should be
Taken from the past
Yet not the past exactly
With present included
In the landscape of time
Is given to each other
Felt deep inside
Beneath the skin
To where lies the soul
Strong enough to make you whole
That will make you dance
In joyful harmony
Sing along a chant
That touches everyone
The music of the soul
The Blackbird
by Bud Lemire on Feb 24, 2007
The blackbird whispered in my ear
I have a message for you to hear
It is my time to go
But I just wanted you to know
Whatever you do
Know that I love you
You've been there for me while my health went down
You were the smile that turned my frown
You were the sunshine that entered the door everyday
And yet there's so much more to say
I know the time has come to leave
But I hate to see anyone grieve
I hope you are well taken care of
Because you deserve so much love
You held me up
You knew when it was enough
You made it easier for me to live
You knew just how much love to give
I will fly so very high
Now don't you cry
I am doing much better with these wings
Remember the good things each new day brings
Watch for the signs I send
They will help your soul to mend
For you were the healer for me
So I give it back to thee
I must go back to the light
But I will read everything you write
I will be there for you
And I will guide you through
The blackbird whispered in my ear
I have a message for you to hear
It is my time to go
But I just wanted you to know
Whatever you do
Know that I love you
You've been there for me while my health went down
You were the smile that turned my frown
You were the sunshine that entered the door everyday
And yet there's so much more to say
I know the time has come to leave
But I hate to see anyone grieve
I hope you are well taken care of
Because you deserve so much love
You held me up
You knew when it was enough
You made it easier for me to live
You knew just how much love to give
I will fly so very high
Now don't you cry
I am doing much better with these wings
Remember the good things each new day brings
Watch for the signs I send
They will help your soul to mend
For you were the healer for me
So I give it back to thee
I must go back to the light
But I will read everything you write
I will be there for you
And I will guide you through
Between Worlds
by Bud Lemire on Feb 23, 2007
His spirit travels, he’s not all there
In the astral plane, to everywhere
While family and friends, gather around his chair
The ones who love him, the ones who care
Now and then his eyes open wide
A part of him, is still inside
He’s given up, it’s time to go
Home again, where all spirits flow
No food he will eat, release all his pain
Let his soul be free, his body will remain
Treasure the man, a great soul to know
Through pain and agony, his spirit did grow
While his body slept
His loved one wept
“He’s someone I love so”
“But it’s time, that I let him go”
“I won’t hold him back”
“Yet it won’t be an act”
“I’ll let the tears flow”
“Because I love him so”
He enters the light, to see what is there
A dog wagging his tail, a love they did share
His parents greet him, with a loving embrace
A wide smiles crosses, all over his face
He’s returned home, to the place he belongs
While on the Earth plane, they sing his songs
The life that he lead, the time that he shared
Of an honorable soul, a gentleman who cared
Dear friend, may you always feel the love that we share
His spirit travels, he’s not all there
In the astral plane, to everywhere
While family and friends, gather around his chair
The ones who love him, the ones who care
Now and then his eyes open wide
A part of him, is still inside
He’s given up, it’s time to go
Home again, where all spirits flow
No food he will eat, release all his pain
Let his soul be free, his body will remain
Treasure the man, a great soul to know
Through pain and agony, his spirit did grow
While his body slept
His loved one wept
“He’s someone I love so”
“But it’s time, that I let him go”
“I won’t hold him back”
“Yet it won’t be an act”
“I’ll let the tears flow”
“Because I love him so”
He enters the light, to see what is there
A dog wagging his tail, a love they did share
His parents greet him, with a loving embrace
A wide smiles crosses, all over his face
He’s returned home, to the place he belongs
While on the Earth plane, they sing his songs
The life that he lead, the time that he shared
Of an honorable soul, a gentleman who cared
Dear friend, may you always feel the love that we share
Seeing What Is There
by Bud Lemire on Feb 18, 2007
So many people rely on others to make their day
Meeting, seeing, or passing them on our way
It’s like an uplift, whenever our souls meet
Making us whole, making us complete
I think that life is great
To recognize and to appreciate
Those that pass by, and touch our soul
Making life worthwhile, wherever we go
Just think if someone passing us, effects us like this
The little things in life then take on a different twist
Sun shining in the window, makes the day bright
The beauty seen in watching, a butterfly’s flight
It’s seeing what is there, that makes life worthwhile
Like someone passing by, wearing a happy smile
I often realize, each day is so unique
Treasures to behold, every day of the week
I say hello in passing, and I smile too
Because I know I effect others, every time I do
I believe life for us, is to be aware
Of things that are around us, and Seeing What Is There
So many people rely on others to make their day
Meeting, seeing, or passing them on our way
It’s like an uplift, whenever our souls meet
Making us whole, making us complete
I think that life is great
To recognize and to appreciate
Those that pass by, and touch our soul
Making life worthwhile, wherever we go
Just think if someone passing us, effects us like this
The little things in life then take on a different twist
Sun shining in the window, makes the day bright
The beauty seen in watching, a butterfly’s flight
It’s seeing what is there, that makes life worthwhile
Like someone passing by, wearing a happy smile
I often realize, each day is so unique
Treasures to behold, every day of the week
I say hello in passing, and I smile too
Because I know I effect others, every time I do
I believe life for us, is to be aware
Of things that are around us, and Seeing What Is There
Life Ebbs Away
by Bud Lemire on Feb 17, 2007
As life ebbs away, it’s easy to see
He’s not the man he use to be
His condition has left him weak and frail
A boat adrift without a sail
A loud gurgle is heard within his throat
Water is bailed in a slow sinking boat
His mind’s alert, yet his body’s too weak
Without food for strength, it becomes a bigger leak
She refuses to give up on this ship
They’ve traveled a long journey together on this trip
She puts him first in everything she does
Unraveling thoughts of what will be, what is, and what was
A man who was so very generous and so kind
Someone like him is so hard to find
He’s lost in the aftermath of a massive stroke
Leaving him paralyzed, bodily functions broke
What do we do when life ebbs away
Carry on our best, make the most of each day
Remember life is eternal, our souls will always live
The best we can do, is to continue to charitably give
Our souls are forever, yet our time here on Earth isn’t. Take the time to appreciate the time spent together here, by always letting that someone know how much they mean to you
As life ebbs away, it’s easy to see
He’s not the man he use to be
His condition has left him weak and frail
A boat adrift without a sail
A loud gurgle is heard within his throat
Water is bailed in a slow sinking boat
His mind’s alert, yet his body’s too weak
Without food for strength, it becomes a bigger leak
She refuses to give up on this ship
They’ve traveled a long journey together on this trip
She puts him first in everything she does
Unraveling thoughts of what will be, what is, and what was
A man who was so very generous and so kind
Someone like him is so hard to find
He’s lost in the aftermath of a massive stroke
Leaving him paralyzed, bodily functions broke
What do we do when life ebbs away
Carry on our best, make the most of each day
Remember life is eternal, our souls will always live
The best we can do, is to continue to charitably give
Our souls are forever, yet our time here on Earth isn’t. Take the time to appreciate the time spent together here, by always letting that someone know how much they mean to you
The Winter Blues
By Bud Lemire on Feb 14, 2007
When the Winter Blues run through your head
Treating your body as though it was dead
All you want to do is to spend the whole day in bed
You’re walking on thin ice, watch where you tread
The doldrums of the Winter stage
Waiting for the seasons to turn the page
Effecting people of every age
Like a monkey in a cage
It’s too cold to go out
Letting your head fill with doubt
Pacing the floor and all about
If it feels better, scream and shout
The Winter Blues is a state of mind
That hits you in the Winter time
Depressive thoughts flowing all around
You think your feet are nailed to the ground
The answers to set you free, can be found
When they come, it’s you they’ll astound
They are all things you already know
Everything you feel, you’re the one in control
When the Winter Blues get to you, try to do things you enjoy doing to get your mind off of them. Turn the lights on high. Don’t let this time of the year dim your world. Before long summer will be back around and you’ll be glad you got through it.
When the Winter Blues run through your head
Treating your body as though it was dead
All you want to do is to spend the whole day in bed
You’re walking on thin ice, watch where you tread
The doldrums of the Winter stage
Waiting for the seasons to turn the page
Effecting people of every age
Like a monkey in a cage
It’s too cold to go out
Letting your head fill with doubt
Pacing the floor and all about
If it feels better, scream and shout
The Winter Blues is a state of mind
That hits you in the Winter time
Depressive thoughts flowing all around
You think your feet are nailed to the ground
The answers to set you free, can be found
When they come, it’s you they’ll astound
They are all things you already know
Everything you feel, you’re the one in control
When the Winter Blues get to you, try to do things you enjoy doing to get your mind off of them. Turn the lights on high. Don’t let this time of the year dim your world. Before long summer will be back around and you’ll be glad you got through it.
Smelting At The Old Wells Bridge

By Bud Lemire on Feb 8, 2007
Catching smelt at the old bridge in Wells
Some old tires burning, I recall all their smells
We’d dip our net in, and hope it was filled
While the fires that burned, kept us from being chilled
I remember those nights, down at the old bridge
And the smelt that was cooked, and placed in our fridge
Sitting down there on the banks in the dark
Catching those smelt, became a work of art
Some seemed to think they had the right spot
But it was all proven in what was caught
The fun part was the place where we sat
Catching the smelt, as we took in a good chat
We’d bring the smelt home, and clean them to eat
We gave some away, but most we would keep
I remember the big pan, filled to the brim
Smelt we cleaned for Terry, we were all helping him
He wanted them all cleaned for the National Guard
It started out easy, but soon became hard
I remember smelting at the old bridge, and all that we caught
Long ago, at Wells, and I’m taken back with this thought
Words People Use
by Bud Lemire on Feb 6, 2007
Someone called me a Nerd
To me it’s an insulting word
It’s like a dropping from a bird
Tell me, what have you heard
What if you were called a Geek
Would that make you feel like a freak
Some words in places seem to reek
When they are used any day of the week
There is one who’s called a Dork
I won’t touch that one with a fork
Just another word I’d like to abort
So many words are hard to sort
Wherever you go
There are words to know
A slang term to use
In worldly places you choose
Sometimes we judge way too quick
Words people use and what they pick
Without knowing the meaning in what they say
We should find out exactly, what definition’s okay
People in all parts of the world have their slang words. Words that are spelled the same to all, yet have totally different meanings to each. It’s all in the knowing the slanguage for each area.
Someone called me a Nerd
To me it’s an insulting word
It’s like a dropping from a bird
Tell me, what have you heard
What if you were called a Geek
Would that make you feel like a freak
Some words in places seem to reek
When they are used any day of the week
There is one who’s called a Dork
I won’t touch that one with a fork
Just another word I’d like to abort
So many words are hard to sort
Wherever you go
There are words to know
A slang term to use
In worldly places you choose
Sometimes we judge way too quick
Words people use and what they pick
Without knowing the meaning in what they say
We should find out exactly, what definition’s okay
People in all parts of the world have their slang words. Words that are spelled the same to all, yet have totally different meanings to each. It’s all in the knowing the slanguage for each area.
The Municipal Dock

By Bud Lemire on Jan 31, 2007
On the Municipal Dock
Is where I like to walk
You can see the Oreboats come in
And there are benches for sitting
There are flowers here, with a story of our past
And binoculars for you to see things closer real fast
You’ll always find some people fishing
Just sitting there with a pole, hoping and wishing
The young people go there to swim
They dive off the dock while the day grows dim
Boats will come, and they will dock
Because it’s always a good place to stop
You can see the Sandpoint Lighthouse from here too
And the Harbor Tower makes a fabulous view
The lighthouse on the water, can also be seen
The grass and the trees become a bright shade of green
I ride my bicycle often to this scenic square
I take photographs of the beauty found there
If you sit around watching the clock
Then it’s time you visit The Municipal Dock
Beauty is found many places, if you take the time to look and be aware of what’s around you. The Municipal Dock is in the perfect place for beauty to be magnified, right on the water here in Escanaba, Upper Michigan.
My Baha’i Girl
by Bud Lemire Jan 31, 2007
She’s my Baha’i girl
Always rocking my world
Making each day better than the one before
Picking up new things, perfecting the spirit even more
Learning more with each passing stage
Souls within, as our bodies age
She blesses me from the Universal Soul
And it causes my emotions to go out of control
She touches me with the words she uses
Both of us are winners, nobody loses
Her humor is so much like mine
I laugh when she types in a line
We rode together upon a dark horse
Cuddled quite close without any force
Free flowing of the soul and the mind
Spiritual vibrations of the Heavenly kind
She’s My Baha’i Girl
Making it a better world
With her it’s always a pleasure
To behold such a divine treasure
She’s my Baha’i girl
Always rocking my world
Making each day better than the one before
Picking up new things, perfecting the spirit even more
Learning more with each passing stage
Souls within, as our bodies age
She blesses me from the Universal Soul
And it causes my emotions to go out of control
She touches me with the words she uses
Both of us are winners, nobody loses
Her humor is so much like mine
I laugh when she types in a line
We rode together upon a dark horse
Cuddled quite close without any force
Free flowing of the soul and the mind
Spiritual vibrations of the Heavenly kind
She’s My Baha’i Girl
Making it a better world
With her it’s always a pleasure
To behold such a divine treasure
On Your Plate
by Bud Lemire on Jan 14, 2007
It seems you always have so much on your plate
And it makes me wonder, how long do I have to wait
We’ve each been up, we’ve each been down
But I wonder, when you gonna come around
You’re always in the deepest part of my soul
You follow me wherever I go
How long before you’re mine to hold?
Because time is making me grow old
When will I get your best
This must be part of life’s test
You always seem to know what’s happening to me
Like an Angel, you’re guiding me spiritually
We have a connection that’s hard to explain
Sometimes the sun, sometimes the rain
There’s a deep bond of love I have for you
And there isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do
When am I going to feel your touch?
So my body can feel your love, and how much
For we each can search for love and never find
A love that’s as strong as our kind
So come feel me, let me know your embrace
Let me see your eyes sparkle, and the smile on your face
Let me give it to you straight
When will I be the one On Your Plate?
It seems you always have so much on your plate
And it makes me wonder, how long do I have to wait
We’ve each been up, we’ve each been down
But I wonder, when you gonna come around
You’re always in the deepest part of my soul
You follow me wherever I go
How long before you’re mine to hold?
Because time is making me grow old
When will I get your best
This must be part of life’s test
You always seem to know what’s happening to me
Like an Angel, you’re guiding me spiritually
We have a connection that’s hard to explain
Sometimes the sun, sometimes the rain
There’s a deep bond of love I have for you
And there isn’t anything that I wouldn’t do
When am I going to feel your touch?
So my body can feel your love, and how much
For we each can search for love and never find
A love that’s as strong as our kind
So come feel me, let me know your embrace
Let me see your eyes sparkle, and the smile on your face
Let me give it to you straight
When will I be the one On Your Plate?
Trust & Adjust
by Bud Lemire on Jan 12, 2007
This is the time for me to adjust
Reorganize, and for me to trust
Put all my faith in the spirits that guide
Trust what I’m feeling, on the inside
Feel with my mind, feel with my soul
Trust in my senses, in all that I know
Have faith in the spirits, that guide me anew
Knowing that their presence, will help me through
Adjust to the changes happening every day
Little ones, big ones, that touch me each day
Helping me to overcome those effecting my heart
Giving me the strength, to have a new start
Help me to know each energy that I feel
Who they are from, and who I should I heal
Help me to send out, my energy so they’ll know
My love is true, it’s to embrace their soul
Let them know, that it’s me they can trust
And as they awaken, it takes time to adjust
Give us comfort, as we join as one
Universal blessings, the journey’s begun
This is the time for me to adjust
Reorganize, and for me to trust
Put all my faith in the spirits that guide
Trust what I’m feeling, on the inside
Feel with my mind, feel with my soul
Trust in my senses, in all that I know
Have faith in the spirits, that guide me anew
Knowing that their presence, will help me through
Adjust to the changes happening every day
Little ones, big ones, that touch me each day
Helping me to overcome those effecting my heart
Giving me the strength, to have a new start
Help me to know each energy that I feel
Who they are from, and who I should I heal
Help me to send out, my energy so they’ll know
My love is true, it’s to embrace their soul
Let them know, that it’s me they can trust
And as they awaken, it takes time to adjust
Give us comfort, as we join as one
Universal blessings, the journey’s begun
We're By Your Side
by Bud Lemire on Jan 11, 2007
Let the sun in, open the blind
Think deep your thoughts, use well your mind
Dance to the music, of a happy song
Clap your hands, smile, and sing along
Look at the clouds, way up in the sky
What do you see, as they pass on by
You’re not alone, on this journey you take
We’re by your side, and we know when you ache
Hold your head high, walk with pride on the road
Your travels will lighten, and so will your load
Your strength and your wisdom, will help you through
Old thoughts will be replaced by those of the new
Fly like an eagle, soar very high
Take in the sights, fear not to try
Don’t let the barriers hold you back
Unlimited access, will keep you on track
We bring you peace, with each step you take
To Bring you comfort, with each move you make
Trust in our presence, we’ll help you through
We’re By Your Side, and we know all about you
Let the sun in, open the blind
Think deep your thoughts, use well your mind
Dance to the music, of a happy song
Clap your hands, smile, and sing along
Look at the clouds, way up in the sky
What do you see, as they pass on by
You’re not alone, on this journey you take
We’re by your side, and we know when you ache
Hold your head high, walk with pride on the road
Your travels will lighten, and so will your load
Your strength and your wisdom, will help you through
Old thoughts will be replaced by those of the new
Fly like an eagle, soar very high
Take in the sights, fear not to try
Don’t let the barriers hold you back
Unlimited access, will keep you on track
We bring you peace, with each step you take
To Bring you comfort, with each move you make
Trust in our presence, we’ll help you through
We’re By Your Side, and we know all about you
Emotional Haze
by Bud Lemire on Jan 11, 2007
I was there to ease the pain
Be your umbrella to stop the rain
Ease the tension, clear the air
Make you smile, while I am there
Give you comfort and make you smile
And then I’d stay there awhile
Fill your soul with laughter’s medicine
Upon your face to see you grin
Take away the stress you feel
So that you can start to heal
I feel your pain and I’m aware
I’m here to help you, because I care
You’ve come here for a reason you know
To release the pressure, upon your soul
Let your spirit flow gently through
As our warm energies embrace you
We’re here to guide you in many ways
And help you through your Emotional Haze
I was there to ease the pain
Be your umbrella to stop the rain
Ease the tension, clear the air
Make you smile, while I am there
Give you comfort and make you smile
And then I’d stay there awhile
Fill your soul with laughter’s medicine
Upon your face to see you grin
Take away the stress you feel
So that you can start to heal
I feel your pain and I’m aware
I’m here to help you, because I care
You’ve come here for a reason you know
To release the pressure, upon your soul
Let your spirit flow gently through
As our warm energies embrace you
We’re here to guide you in many ways
And help you through your Emotional Haze
It Seems Like A Dream
by Bud Lemire on Jan 7, 2007
I’ve been living in a dream
The life I know, isn’t what it seems
I thought it could be more
But I was wrong like before
I guess I’ll have to reevaluate
Take some time to concentrate
Let my spirit take control
And not fall into a hole
Sometimes I let things get too deep
But it seems it’s never mine to keep
It’s a temporary stay
And then it goes away
Sometimes it’s just a lesson for me to learn
They teach me, and are inspired in return
We get to know each others soul
Then it’s time for them to go
Try to focus, see beyond the screen
Sometimes It Seems Like A Dream
I’ve been living in a dream
The life I know, isn’t what it seems
I thought it could be more
But I was wrong like before
I guess I’ll have to reevaluate
Take some time to concentrate
Let my spirit take control
And not fall into a hole
Sometimes I let things get too deep
But it seems it’s never mine to keep
It’s a temporary stay
And then it goes away
Sometimes it’s just a lesson for me to learn
They teach me, and are inspired in return
We get to know each others soul
Then it’s time for them to go
Try to focus, see beyond the screen
Sometimes It Seems Like A Dream
No Way!
By Bud Lemire on Jan 7, 2007
She’s so caught up in her own frustration, she doesn’t know
Just how much, I love her so
It seems that I just can’t get through
No matter what I say, no matter what I do
She use to love, everything I did
Now her soul, she’s gone and hid
Behind the wall, she hides again
I’ve been demoted, to being a distant friend
Just as we were getting closer, she move away
And it’s both of our souls, that are going to pay
I never thought it would happen, I thought “No Way!”
Yet she’s avoiding me, each and everyday
Just when you think everything is fine
You find out, that you’ve really been blind
What you thought you felt and saw
Was really a cat with a sharpened claw
Tearing your soul out, scratching out your heart
And it’s this feeling, that keeps us both apart
Bleeding heart and emotional soul
Where is the one that I use to know
At any moment, on any day
You’ll be saying, “What?! No Way!”
Sometimes life just gets too insane
And the love once felt, brings only pain
She’s so caught up in her own frustration, she doesn’t know
Just how much, I love her so
It seems that I just can’t get through
No matter what I say, no matter what I do
She use to love, everything I did
Now her soul, she’s gone and hid
Behind the wall, she hides again
I’ve been demoted, to being a distant friend
Just as we were getting closer, she move away
And it’s both of our souls, that are going to pay
I never thought it would happen, I thought “No Way!”
Yet she’s avoiding me, each and everyday
Just when you think everything is fine
You find out, that you’ve really been blind
What you thought you felt and saw
Was really a cat with a sharpened claw
Tearing your soul out, scratching out your heart
And it’s this feeling, that keeps us both apart
Bleeding heart and emotional soul
Where is the one that I use to know
At any moment, on any day
You’ll be saying, “What?! No Way!”
Sometimes life just gets too insane
And the love once felt, brings only pain
I'm Only Human
by Bud Lemire on Jan 6, 2007
I’m only human, I make mistakes like you
Some may misunderstand, things I say and do
I don’t always understand, all of the things
Just facing a new day, with all that it brings
I do know when I give, I give my all
I never have to worry about how high is my wall
Because I never built one, it’s easier to get through
I feel the love you’re sending, and I know it’s true
Still there are times, people don’t understand me
How can I explain it, I’m just following my destiny
It may not be how you get things done
But for me, this way, is the only one
It works for me, being me this way
I try hard to be, the best me everyday
I share my thoughts and visions, so others will learn too
Because it is my way, doing what I do
I’m only human, my spirit’s not always strong
Tears are released, but who is really wrong
Could it be we’re both right, on the road to get there
From a different place, just one of us is more aware
I ask that when you judge me
For things I did thoughtlessly
Ask yourself, is it human to err
You’ll find I’m only human, sometimes unaware
I’m only human, I make mistakes like you
Some may misunderstand, things I say and do
I don’t always understand, all of the things
Just facing a new day, with all that it brings
I do know when I give, I give my all
I never have to worry about how high is my wall
Because I never built one, it’s easier to get through
I feel the love you’re sending, and I know it’s true
Still there are times, people don’t understand me
How can I explain it, I’m just following my destiny
It may not be how you get things done
But for me, this way, is the only one
It works for me, being me this way
I try hard to be, the best me everyday
I share my thoughts and visions, so others will learn too
Because it is my way, doing what I do
I’m only human, my spirit’s not always strong
Tears are released, but who is really wrong
Could it be we’re both right, on the road to get there
From a different place, just one of us is more aware
I ask that when you judge me
For things I did thoughtlessly
Ask yourself, is it human to err
You’ll find I’m only human, sometimes unaware
Cry In The Night
by Bud Lemire on Jan 3, 2007
I heard a strong cry in the night
I got up from my chair, looked towards the light
I looked straight into a mirror
I saw saddened face, and a falling tear
I held a sword, and waved it around
I pierced her soul, inside it was found
I didn’t know I had swung it her way
Now her pain is also mine, every day
Our love was broken, because of my careless act
So I must live alone in this dirty old shack
With mice falling from the ceiling, upon me
And the bed is the only place, that is safe to be
My heart light has burnt out
Angry at myself, I want to shout
This is not what love is about
It should be known, without any doubt
Questions wander within her head
While part of me remains dead
I ask for guidance, for I am lost
I’m paying the price, at a higher cost
Please take away the pain I feel
Help me to carry on, help me to heal
I threw that sword away as well
While my life remains…a living hell
I heard a strong cry in the night
I got up from my chair, looked towards the light
I looked straight into a mirror
I saw saddened face, and a falling tear
I held a sword, and waved it around
I pierced her soul, inside it was found
I didn’t know I had swung it her way
Now her pain is also mine, every day
Our love was broken, because of my careless act
So I must live alone in this dirty old shack
With mice falling from the ceiling, upon me
And the bed is the only place, that is safe to be
My heart light has burnt out
Angry at myself, I want to shout
This is not what love is about
It should be known, without any doubt
Questions wander within her head
While part of me remains dead
I ask for guidance, for I am lost
I’m paying the price, at a higher cost
Please take away the pain I feel
Help me to carry on, help me to heal
I threw that sword away as well
While my life remains…a living hell
So That She Can Heal
by Bud Lemire on Jan 7, 2007
Please heal this woman’s soul
Make her complete, make her whole
For I have hurt the one I love
Until she’s healed, it’s all I think of
You see, she came to me not long ago
She gave so much love to my soul
She’s been within, the deeper part
Now there is pain, inside my heart
I ask that she be sent healing energy
Let her know it’s true love from me
When she hurts, let me feel her pain
Until it stops, let my tears fall like rain
Show her why she feels so betrayed
Give me courage not to be afraid
Guide me to know what is everything
Open me up to what the spirits bring
Forgive me for all the pain I brought
Help me know wisdom for my every thought
Let her know that my love for her is real
Send her my love, so that she can heal
Please heal this woman’s soul
Make her complete, make her whole
For I have hurt the one I love
Until she’s healed, it’s all I think of
You see, she came to me not long ago
She gave so much love to my soul
She’s been within, the deeper part
Now there is pain, inside my heart
I ask that she be sent healing energy
Let her know it’s true love from me
When she hurts, let me feel her pain
Until it stops, let my tears fall like rain
Show her why she feels so betrayed
Give me courage not to be afraid
Guide me to know what is everything
Open me up to what the spirits bring
Forgive me for all the pain I brought
Help me know wisdom for my every thought
Let her know that my love for her is real
Send her my love, so that she can heal
You Are My Valentine
by Bud Lemire on Feb 12, 2008
Dear woman, would you be my Valentine
So I could always have your heart with mine
Hold me tight and never let go
Because dear woman, I love you so
I love the words that you say
That touch my soul in every way
I love your voice, energetic and strong
So beautiful, it’s my favorite song
I love your eyes, so blue and glowing
And your love for me, that is always flowing
I feel your presence, every night
Your love’s Angelic, filled with spiritual light
You give to me, all that you can
You make me feel, like a happy man
Dedicated to all that we are
You are my shining star
I love you with every breath that I take
I love your embrace, each morning I wake
So it’s only right, that you should be mine
Because every day, You Are My Valentine
Dear woman, would you be my Valentine
So I could always have your heart with mine
Hold me tight and never let go
Because dear woman, I love you so
I love the words that you say
That touch my soul in every way
I love your voice, energetic and strong
So beautiful, it’s my favorite song
I love your eyes, so blue and glowing
And your love for me, that is always flowing
I feel your presence, every night
Your love’s Angelic, filled with spiritual light
You give to me, all that you can
You make me feel, like a happy man
Dedicated to all that we are
You are my shining star
I love you with every breath that I take
I love your embrace, each morning I wake
So it’s only right, that you should be mine
Because every day, You Are My Valentine
Monday, November 28, 2011
The Sound Of Water
By Bud Lemire on Dec 6, 2008
Something about the sound of water that does something to me
Peaceful and relaxing, bringing me tranquility
An oar in the water, paddling the boat away
Brings a soothing feeling within my soul every day
Water being poured into a glass is a sound I like
Waves hitting the rocks as I pass by on my bike
In the bath, as we move around in the tub
A sound as comforting as a back rub
The sound a dishcloth makes in the water in the sink
It does something to me, at least that’s what I think
The way some toilets flush, is a special sound
You can find the sounds of water, all around
Pour a glass of water and tell me what you hear
When you Listen closely, water, so crystal clear
Something for the soul, water’s good for you
So take a drink today, it’s the healthy thing to do
Appreciate the sounds around you, appreciate Water for all the good things it does for you. So many people in some places have a hard time getting water. We are fortunate to get it and enjoy it in every part of our day as we do. So, Have a drink
Something about the sound of water that does something to me
Peaceful and relaxing, bringing me tranquility
An oar in the water, paddling the boat away
Brings a soothing feeling within my soul every day
Water being poured into a glass is a sound I like
Waves hitting the rocks as I pass by on my bike
In the bath, as we move around in the tub
A sound as comforting as a back rub
The sound a dishcloth makes in the water in the sink
It does something to me, at least that’s what I think
The way some toilets flush, is a special sound
You can find the sounds of water, all around
Pour a glass of water and tell me what you hear
When you Listen closely, water, so crystal clear
Something for the soul, water’s good for you
So take a drink today, it’s the healthy thing to do
Appreciate the sounds around you, appreciate Water for all the good things it does for you. So many people in some places have a hard time getting water. We are fortunate to get it and enjoy it in every part of our day as we do. So, Have a drink
The Rumors

By Bud Lemire on Aug 1, 2008
Many times the rumors spread
Not sure what was heard or said
Yet we count it as being true
But then again, we never knew
We need to get the story straight
Before a rumor’s out and it’s too late
Now we’ve all made mistakes before
I’m sure there will be many more
I ask that you don’t believe all they say
Unless the source is checked in every way
Sometimes the story can spread like fire
And changes fast, and you become a liar
I try my best to share what I know
I learn from my mistakes, and I grow
I’m far from perfect, but aren’t we all
We do our best when we hear the call
So as you read my poetry
Remember that it came from me
And as you do, you should also know
Just because it’s written, doesn’t make it so
Only you can choose what to believe
What to take in, and what to leave
The Puzzle Of Life

By Bud Lemire on Aug 27, 2008
Does this piece fit over there?
I know it should go somewhere
It looks as though it should go
But it doesn’t fit the way I know
Some pieces look out of place
You see it has a purple trace
It almost fits but doesn’t quite
But that’s how I take in the sight
There’s missing pieces, maybe on the floor
Or someone carried it out the door
There’s always something missing here
It could be close, it could be near
Life and a jigsaw puzzle are similar in ways
Sometimes it seems things are out of place
Only when it’s almost done, do we know
Where the pieces fit in, where each will go
We see the bigger picture, of all that will be
And it all makes sense when we hold the key
We fit in the pieces, where they will go
Once they’re together, then we will know
We never see the bigger picture until all the pieces are in
The New Year
by Bud Lemire on January 1, 2008
What does the New Year mean to me?
New hopes and dreams of what will be
New paths to take, new adventures too
Twists and turns that make a great life for you
I know it can be boring at times, but it does change
Some events in your life may even seem to be strange
Not everything we go through is always understood
But everyone’s life is filled with a lot of good
I wish you much good in this new year
Taking chances without all the fear
Leaving the past and starting anew
Because you deserve the best for you
Value each day as though it’s your last
Because the time here goes way too fast
Appreciate each person for who they are
For their journey too has taken them far
Each year is filled with its share of wonderful things
And we move ahead to see what else it brings
I bid you a special year in this new one
Filled with much love before it’s done
Happy New Year!
What does the New Year mean to me?
New hopes and dreams of what will be
New paths to take, new adventures too
Twists and turns that make a great life for you
I know it can be boring at times, but it does change
Some events in your life may even seem to be strange
Not everything we go through is always understood
But everyone’s life is filled with a lot of good
I wish you much good in this new year
Taking chances without all the fear
Leaving the past and starting anew
Because you deserve the best for you
Value each day as though it’s your last
Because the time here goes way too fast
Appreciate each person for who they are
For their journey too has taken them far
Each year is filled with its share of wonderful things
And we move ahead to see what else it brings
I bid you a special year in this new one
Filled with much love before it’s done
Happy New Year!
The Miracle Of Love
By Bud Lemire on Dec 6, 2008
I often wondered if love was meant for me
I always came to the conclusion it wasn’t meant to be
They said there was somebody for everyone
But I was still alone when my day was done
Then I met someone who came into my sleep
She showed me love and said she was mine to keep
Her soul was beautiful, her spirit was genuine
I was so happy that I could call her mine
I gave up praying for love, and accepted things as they were
I lived a Lonely life until the time I met her
She had the ability to come into my dream
To show me her love within the astral stream
In the waking hours, her love was just as strong
I knew it was with her, I would always belong
She shared her love daily, giving it all to me
I gradually cut the restraints, my love had set her free
I carried her through her pain and misery
To behold a beautiful woman, especially made for me
I gave her all of my love, she did the same in return
With our love becoming one, so much we did learn
The Miracle Of Love comes to each of us
If we pray, believe, and in God we trust
I know her love will always be
Because Heaven sent her to me
The Miracles Of Love are happening to so many of us, it does not need proof, it’s a feeling that only each of us knows when it happens. Believe, feel, and enjoy it.
I often wondered if love was meant for me
I always came to the conclusion it wasn’t meant to be
They said there was somebody for everyone
But I was still alone when my day was done
Then I met someone who came into my sleep
She showed me love and said she was mine to keep
Her soul was beautiful, her spirit was genuine
I was so happy that I could call her mine
I gave up praying for love, and accepted things as they were
I lived a Lonely life until the time I met her
She had the ability to come into my dream
To show me her love within the astral stream
In the waking hours, her love was just as strong
I knew it was with her, I would always belong
She shared her love daily, giving it all to me
I gradually cut the restraints, my love had set her free
I carried her through her pain and misery
To behold a beautiful woman, especially made for me
I gave her all of my love, she did the same in return
With our love becoming one, so much we did learn
The Miracle Of Love comes to each of us
If we pray, believe, and in God we trust
I know her love will always be
Because Heaven sent her to me
The Miracles Of Love are happening to so many of us, it does not need proof, it’s a feeling that only each of us knows when it happens. Believe, feel, and enjoy it.
The Kitty

By Bud Lemire on July 19, 2008
Young and playful with so much energy
Innocent and new, and so carefree
Exploring this new world with so much zest
Taking it all in and doing his best
Under the furniture, up on the chair
You’ll find this Kitty…everywhere
It won’t stop if there’s more to explore
Expect the unexpected, because you’ll get more
Going through the teething with his little bite
So little yet, that he sure feels light
But he’ll grow to be big, just like at that paw
From the size of it, he’ll grown bigger than his Maw
With his appetite, he’ll stop to eat from his dish
No doubt in time he’ll be thinking of tuna fish
Will he sleep on or under the bed?
Or will he just sleep on the floor instead?
Dreaming of the adventures he’ll have as a cat
Exploring this world, wherever he’s at
Letting out a roar, but a meow is heard
He spots a creature with wings, it’s a bird
“So much to learn, so much to know”
“But I’ll learn what I can as I grow”
“These two-legged creatures have no paws like me”
“But the love they give, is the best it can be”
The Camera Man

By Bud Lemire on Aug 14, 2008
I’m not taking your picture, it’s a butterfly
I only take your picture, if you do comply
I’m off capturing a sunrise, or a sunset
I’m trying to capture nature’s beauty at its very best
The camera around my neck, is where it’ll always be
I love to capture a moment, and exactly what I see
Beauty is found everywhere, if people would only look
A cloud up in the sky, or a duck swimming in a brook
I’ve taken many pictures, everywhere I go
To share them with others, so they too will know
A day filled with sunshine is a colorful scene
The bluest sky, with the grass bright green
A bird singing a song on a branch in a tree
Makes a beautiful picture, of all things that I see
Like everything in life, take time to explore
See beyond the simple things, there is so much more
Nothing lasts forever, a scene can change in sight
When a butterfly or bird, decides to take flight
My advice to beginners is, take a sample shot to start
Before the changes happen, and the winged ones depart
I know I’ve enjoyed the pictures that I take
The clouds outside my window, the sunrise on the lake
I’ll continue taking pictures, of the beauty that I see
For I am The Camera Man, who also writes poetry
To all the people who enjoy and comment on my poems and photos, I thank you for taking the time to read them, and so happy you enjoy them
The Beautiful Butterfly

July 16, 2008 by Bud Lemire
Silently I asked myself, where could they be?
When before my eyes, one zipped in front of me
Later that night on Aronsons Island, I asked once more
And one zipped right by, just like it did before
It danced around and landed on the tree
I grabbed my camera and it didn’t fly from me
The beauty was amazing, as my camera snapped away
But some roller skaters came, and I didn’t think it would stay
One skater brushed it aside, as if it was a pest
But it remained dancing, and I felt I was blessed
To be able to see, and enjoy the beauty of
This Beautiful Butterfly, filled me up with love
Sunset was approaching, darkness soon would be here
I look up in the tree, and the dancing butterfly was near
I silently looked up and gave thanks for the time
For letting me me capture the beauty, with the camera of mine
I always look for beauty, in everything I see
Usually I find it, but that could be just me
I put it on my computer, and decide what to do
I print out the very best, to share them all with you
Soul Purpose
by Bud Lemire on Feb 14, 2008
There’s people who complain about the snow
Then again, they complain wherever they go
I take what comes and do my best
I know that each day is part of life’s test
We walk this life with common sense
With hopes that our wisdom will leave some dents
Impressions that all will come to know
We try our best to make it so
But there is selected knowledge, for every mind
The brain selects information on all it finds
Or could it be, it’s their Soul Purpose to see
Only the things found in their reality
So it is true if I say
We all see life in a different way
So how can we really know
What makes up the other’s soul
What is wrong to our eyes
Might be right, but in disguise
It’s our soul that limits each
Keeping so much, out of reach
It’s up to us, and to our soul
To treat others respectfully, so they can grow
For wouldn’t you ask the same be done to you
It’s your Soul Purpose, and the right thing to do
There’s people who complain about the snow
Then again, they complain wherever they go
I take what comes and do my best
I know that each day is part of life’s test
We walk this life with common sense
With hopes that our wisdom will leave some dents
Impressions that all will come to know
We try our best to make it so
But there is selected knowledge, for every mind
The brain selects information on all it finds
Or could it be, it’s their Soul Purpose to see
Only the things found in their reality
So it is true if I say
We all see life in a different way
So how can we really know
What makes up the other’s soul
What is wrong to our eyes
Might be right, but in disguise
It’s our soul that limits each
Keeping so much, out of reach
It’s up to us, and to our soul
To treat others respectfully, so they can grow
For wouldn’t you ask the same be done to you
It’s your Soul Purpose, and the right thing to do
Pioneer Trail Park

By Bud Lemire on July 5, 2008
I remember a place where we use to go
Picnics in my younger days, memories that I know
The red and white tablecloth Mom use to set out
Covering the picnic table left me without doubt
I remember the beans that Dad use to make
The walks down the Spirit Trails that we use to take
Native Americans were buried in this place
Reminding me of the problems they all had to face
After dinner we spit watermelon seeds to see
Who could spit the farthest, but it sure wasn’t me
Along the Escanaba River, we’d always walk
Peaceful and so beautiful, as we’d join in a talk
Dad would take us further back as I recall well
To pick the hazelnuts that had pickers above the shell
I have so many memories from so long ago
Recently I went back there, to that place that I know
I took in the beauty of this wondrous place
When Pioneer Trail Park brought a smile to my face
Outside My Window
by Bud Lemire on Feb 14, 2008
Outside my window, with a Harbor Tower view
I can look down, and that’s what I do
I see the people, on the street below
I sit here looking, and they don’t even know
I’m up here, on the fifteenth floor
A wonderful view, who could ask for more
I have a view over a beautiful lake
The beauty’s seen in the photos I take
I see the area of the Municipal Dock
And Aronsons Island, where people love to walk
I see the Lighthouse going off and on
So much beauty that I gaze upon
The Sandpoint Lighthouse can be seen
The summer grass and trees are a bright green
On the water, when it’s covered with ice
Are several Ice Shacks, and the snow looks so nice
I see the Oreboats coming into the dock
I even see my old fishing spot
The Library and City Hall across the street
I have a view that can’t be beat
The sunrise is a beautiful sight
Soon that is followed by daylight
The clouds of every shape and size
Pass by my window, right by my eyes
I see the beauty, it’s what I behold
I save each picture, while I’m growing old
I can look back, on this Harbor Tower view
And remember the scenes, that I once knew
Outside my window, with a Harbor Tower view
I can look down, and that’s what I do
I see the people, on the street below
I sit here looking, and they don’t even know
I’m up here, on the fifteenth floor
A wonderful view, who could ask for more
I have a view over a beautiful lake
The beauty’s seen in the photos I take
I see the area of the Municipal Dock
And Aronsons Island, where people love to walk
I see the Lighthouse going off and on
So much beauty that I gaze upon
The Sandpoint Lighthouse can be seen
The summer grass and trees are a bright green
On the water, when it’s covered with ice
Are several Ice Shacks, and the snow looks so nice
I see the Oreboats coming into the dock
I even see my old fishing spot
The Library and City Hall across the street
I have a view that can’t be beat
The sunrise is a beautiful sight
Soon that is followed by daylight
The clouds of every shape and size
Pass by my window, right by my eyes
I see the beauty, it’s what I behold
I save each picture, while I’m growing old
I can look back, on this Harbor Tower view
And remember the scenes, that I once knew
Our Crazy Taste Buds

By Bud Lemire on Sept 22, 2008
There are many combinations of what people will eat
Sour Kraut, salty chips, or something oh so sweet
In Australia a beetroot sandwich is what we call a beet
People everywhere combining foods to make them feel complete
I like apple juice with popcorn and sliced cheese
Extra Sharp Cheddar or Muenster if you please
But there are stranger combinations than I ever knew
And I’m here with this poem to share them with you
Radishes with crackers is a new one to me
Green onions and white cake, what can be the key
Our crazy taste buds, cravings we desire
A new trend to try out, foods that we admire
Clam chowder with peanut butter on crackers is one I know
I’m sure you can find new combinations wherever you go
I try not to knock them, I’ll give anything a try
Who knows how it’ll taste, do we ever know why
Our taste buds know it sounds and tastes good to us
Our stomachs are happy and it’s the taste buds that it trusts
We must go with our cravings, trying something new
As our taste buds drive us crazy with everything we chew
Do you have any crazy combinations of food that you’d like to share?
Memories Lost
By Bud Lemire on Dec 20, 2008
So many have found, things can’t be found
They’ll put them down somewhere, but they’re not around
Nothing seems to feel right, it is all wrong
It’s like listening to missing words to a song
Diseases effect the mind, with people we know
Many remember the past, recent events isn’t so
They’ll put something down, then walk away
Forgetting where it is, on the very same day
They’ll repeat many things, that they have done
Only remembering that time, as the only one
I’ll share an incident that happened before my eyes
I’m sure for this condition, it’s no surprise
I remember one lady opening a letter she received
Moments later she cursed others, for it’s what she believed
She didn’t even remember opening it
She blamed others and had a fit
“Oh where did I put that, where can it be”
“I had it before, now I’ve lost my keys”
“It might be in the garbage, or dropped to the floor”
“I know that I had it just a moment before”
When dealing with alzheimers or dementia, please be aware
Everyone who has it, needs special attention and care
Patience, for it’s not easy to be
Someone who’s lost . . . their memory
Someone we know may have this mind shattering disease, and we need to know how to handle it and help them through it. Age effects our minds at an early stage, and we find ourselves with a touch of it throughout our lives….and wondering where we put something and end up searching for it. Patience and understanding is one of the keys to helping someone with it. For they are just as scared as they go through it.
So many have found, things can’t be found
They’ll put them down somewhere, but they’re not around
Nothing seems to feel right, it is all wrong
It’s like listening to missing words to a song
Diseases effect the mind, with people we know
Many remember the past, recent events isn’t so
They’ll put something down, then walk away
Forgetting where it is, on the very same day
They’ll repeat many things, that they have done
Only remembering that time, as the only one
I’ll share an incident that happened before my eyes
I’m sure for this condition, it’s no surprise
I remember one lady opening a letter she received
Moments later she cursed others, for it’s what she believed
She didn’t even remember opening it
She blamed others and had a fit
“Oh where did I put that, where can it be”
“I had it before, now I’ve lost my keys”
“It might be in the garbage, or dropped to the floor”
“I know that I had it just a moment before”
When dealing with alzheimers or dementia, please be aware
Everyone who has it, needs special attention and care
Patience, for it’s not easy to be
Someone who’s lost . . . their memory
Someone we know may have this mind shattering disease, and we need to know how to handle it and help them through it. Age effects our minds at an early stage, and we find ourselves with a touch of it throughout our lives….and wondering where we put something and end up searching for it. Patience and understanding is one of the keys to helping someone with it. For they are just as scared as they go through it.
Lock Your Door

By Bud Lemire on Aug 2, 2008
There’s a good reason to lock your door
For safety purposes like never before
Do you really know each resident you see
Sometimes there’s more in each personality
Hidden away, they’ll never show or tell
Inside their mind, they may know so well
Many times we’ll never know
The insanity living within their soul
Could be caused by an imbalanced mind
Or possibly some drugs that you find
What secrets do each of us have inside
Is there anyone who we will confide
So many people we think we know
While hardly have we even touched their soul
Strangers lurking beyond a disguise
Lock your door if you are wise
Danger can happen to you anywhere
Be alert to all, always be aware
Anything suspicious, take caution and note
“Lock your door” I say, and I strongly quote
Please everyone, keep your doors locked whenever possible, for your own safety
In Every Year
By Bud Lemire on Dec 20, 2008
As the year ends, keep this in mind
A new one begins, leaving the other behind
Memories shared in the year that has passed
More in the New Year, special ones that will last
Moments to treasure, with each passing day
Beauty all around us, put on display
Every year holds so much for each
Think of each day and what it can teach
In every day there’s something good to be found
If your eyes are open and you look around
Take in the song that life’s sung for you
Be happy in everything that you do
Treat others in a good way, and you’ll receive what you give
Each moment is precious in this life that we live
The unselfishness we learn will set us free
Our spirit will fly, and all things will be
A kind smile for a stranger or maybe a friend
Will carry them far, with the image you send
Get the most out of each moment, then you will know
From each experience, it’ll help your spirit to grow
Don’t dwell on the worst of what will come to be
Think of the best future, that is the key
For In Every Year there’s so much to behold
As the days all add up, miracles of life will unfold
Remember to enjoy each year, each month, each week, each day, each hour, each minute, each second of your life…for each moment is precious. Time changes everyone and everything, and we can never go back to this one moment again…except in our memories.
As the year ends, keep this in mind
A new one begins, leaving the other behind
Memories shared in the year that has passed
More in the New Year, special ones that will last
Moments to treasure, with each passing day
Beauty all around us, put on display
Every year holds so much for each
Think of each day and what it can teach
In every day there’s something good to be found
If your eyes are open and you look around
Take in the song that life’s sung for you
Be happy in everything that you do
Treat others in a good way, and you’ll receive what you give
Each moment is precious in this life that we live
The unselfishness we learn will set us free
Our spirit will fly, and all things will be
A kind smile for a stranger or maybe a friend
Will carry them far, with the image you send
Get the most out of each moment, then you will know
From each experience, it’ll help your spirit to grow
Don’t dwell on the worst of what will come to be
Think of the best future, that is the key
For In Every Year there’s so much to behold
As the days all add up, miracles of life will unfold
Remember to enjoy each year, each month, each week, each day, each hour, each minute, each second of your life…for each moment is precious. Time changes everyone and everything, and we can never go back to this one moment again…except in our memories.
Giving Thanks
By Bud Lemire on Nov 11, 2008
As Thanksgiving comes around, I have some things to say
Bow your heads with hands together, join me as I pray
Mostly at Thanksgiving we think of the Turkey
But there is so much more, so here they are from me
Thank you God, for giving us this wonderful place
A home where we can rest, with the daily problems that we face
It’s been good for me being here
Many wonderful people throughout the year
Everyone so unique in their own way
It’s always interesting to hear what they have to say
Old and young, and some so wise
Many shapes, and every size
Len does his best to keep the place running strong
With Steve and Mark helping, we can’t go wrong
Mary Lynn and Judi keeping things running square
What would we do without them being there
Just like the President running the country, it’s not easy to do
But they do their jobs, making it easier for me and you
And they’ll try to help you out in any way
They’ll be thankful they made better your day
The beautiful scene that is nearby
Ludington park, where seagulls like to fly
God has done a wonderful job oh yes
We surely are fortunate and absolutely blessed
So I’m giving my thanks for all of the things
Found in each day, and the love it brings
Thank you for you, and thank you for me
Bring on the Turkey, I sure am hungry! Amen!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I hope your day is filling and tasty and spent with the ones you love. Try not to spend it alone if you can help it.
As Thanksgiving comes around, I have some things to say
Bow your heads with hands together, join me as I pray
Mostly at Thanksgiving we think of the Turkey
But there is so much more, so here they are from me
Thank you God, for giving us this wonderful place
A home where we can rest, with the daily problems that we face
It’s been good for me being here
Many wonderful people throughout the year
Everyone so unique in their own way
It’s always interesting to hear what they have to say
Old and young, and some so wise
Many shapes, and every size
Len does his best to keep the place running strong
With Steve and Mark helping, we can’t go wrong
Mary Lynn and Judi keeping things running square
What would we do without them being there
Just like the President running the country, it’s not easy to do
But they do their jobs, making it easier for me and you
And they’ll try to help you out in any way
They’ll be thankful they made better your day
The beautiful scene that is nearby
Ludington park, where seagulls like to fly
God has done a wonderful job oh yes
We surely are fortunate and absolutely blessed
So I’m giving my thanks for all of the things
Found in each day, and the love it brings
Thank you for you, and thank you for me
Bring on the Turkey, I sure am hungry! Amen!
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! I hope your day is filling and tasty and spent with the ones you love. Try not to spend it alone if you can help it.
Dancing On The Other Side
By Bud Lemire on Sept 26, 2008
His sight has returned, he’s dancing again
On the Other Side, you’ll find my friend
He always said he’d dance one more time
In the Heavenly Kingdom his dance is divine
I’d sit in his presence, he’d look in the air
Words would come out, the stories he’d share
He’d tell me stories, of people he knew here
It was always a pleasure to lend him my ear
We’d listen to music, songs from the past
He’d name every one, I never had to ask
He took pleasure in each song that I’d play
It made me happy to see him smile every day
Even though he was blind, he loved the sunlight
And he’d go off to the park, riding his bike
He was motivated by his love for life
And was careful to do everything just right
He often went swimming at the Y.M.C.A.
Which kept his muscles strong every day
His sense of humor was loved very much
This wonderful man had a special touch
He’s whole again, Dancing On The Other Side
In the Heavenly Kingdom, with a smile so wide
Having spent time with him, I can truly say
I’m so glad that we met, and that he came my way
Lawrence, thank you so very much for all you shared
His sight has returned, he’s dancing again
On the Other Side, you’ll find my friend
He always said he’d dance one more time
In the Heavenly Kingdom his dance is divine
I’d sit in his presence, he’d look in the air
Words would come out, the stories he’d share
He’d tell me stories, of people he knew here
It was always a pleasure to lend him my ear
We’d listen to music, songs from the past
He’d name every one, I never had to ask
He took pleasure in each song that I’d play
It made me happy to see him smile every day
Even though he was blind, he loved the sunlight
And he’d go off to the park, riding his bike
He was motivated by his love for life
And was careful to do everything just right
He often went swimming at the Y.M.C.A.
Which kept his muscles strong every day
His sense of humor was loved very much
This wonderful man had a special touch
He’s whole again, Dancing On The Other Side
In the Heavenly Kingdom, with a smile so wide
Having spent time with him, I can truly say
I’m so glad that we met, and that he came my way
Lawrence, thank you so very much for all you shared
Cold Out Dere, Aye?
by Bud Lemire on Feb 11, 2008
It’s freezing cold out dere, aye?
But ain’t it the Yooper way
Below zero temperatures making it cold
It’s especially hard on the old
Bundle up when you go into the storm
Wear your long underwear to keep you warm
Protect each part of you from the chill
Or surely it will make you ill
Put a chook on to keep all the warmth in
And a scarf wound tightly around by your chin
Warm boots should be worn on your feet
To keep in all of your body heat
It’s freezing cold out dere, aye?
I see your breath with everything you say
And your nose is so very red
It must be cold there upon your head
If you’re a Yooper, then you know
To dress up warm wherever you go
It’s the right thing for you to do
To keep you warm all the way through
It’s freezing cold out dere, aye?
But ain’t it the Yooper way
Below zero temperatures making it cold
It’s especially hard on the old
Bundle up when you go into the storm
Wear your long underwear to keep you warm
Protect each part of you from the chill
Or surely it will make you ill
Put a chook on to keep all the warmth in
And a scarf wound tightly around by your chin
Warm boots should be worn on your feet
To keep in all of your body heat
It’s freezing cold out dere, aye?
I see your breath with everything you say
And your nose is so very red
It must be cold there upon your head
If you’re a Yooper, then you know
To dress up warm wherever you go
It’s the right thing for you to do
To keep you warm all the way through
Christmas Memories
By Bud Lemire on Dec 6, 2008
As you gaze at the ornaments on your Christmas tree
Each of them unique in their own special way
They each have a story, but only you may know
Somewhere in your past, a memory touched your soul
A time when Mom & Dad were strongly present here
And the ornament’s memory slowly releases a tear
The joy each one has brought onto you
Happier times that you had been through
You even have one that Grandpa had placed on the tree
A cherished remembrance of a time that use to be
So many memories pass through your mind
Treasured gifts you shared within your lifetime
A time when the whole family gathered around on Christmas day
Today they’re all grown up and have gone their own way
Replacing their faces with other people in your life
A lover or friend, or a husband or a wife
Memories can be treasured, but the present is a gift
Appreciate each moment for its joyous uplift
Smile and have yourself a Merry Christmas from me
And a Happy New Year with more of my poetry
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone….and thanks for the memories
As you gaze at the ornaments on your Christmas tree
Each of them unique in their own special way
They each have a story, but only you may know
Somewhere in your past, a memory touched your soul
A time when Mom & Dad were strongly present here
And the ornament’s memory slowly releases a tear
The joy each one has brought onto you
Happier times that you had been through
You even have one that Grandpa had placed on the tree
A cherished remembrance of a time that use to be
So many memories pass through your mind
Treasured gifts you shared within your lifetime
A time when the whole family gathered around on Christmas day
Today they’re all grown up and have gone their own way
Replacing their faces with other people in your life
A lover or friend, or a husband or a wife
Memories can be treasured, but the present is a gift
Appreciate each moment for its joyous uplift
Smile and have yourself a Merry Christmas from me
And a Happy New Year with more of my poetry
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone….and thanks for the memories
Autumn Memories

By Bud Lemire on Oct 10, 2008
It’s that time of the year, the changing colors in the trees
The beauty among leaves, as they fall with a gentle breeze
Don’t let this season pass, without taking in the scene
The many colors here, that aren’t white or green
The beauty of the yellow and orange among the red
As they gently fall and make an earthly bed
I recall as a kid playing in the leaf piles
Oh the memories brings back many smiles
Jumping onto the pile, throwing leaves in the air
And finding that a friend was hiding there
We collected boxes, and made a box fort
It always helped to play, if you were small and short
We’d play tag, with a flashlight we would seek
In the dark of boxes, to see who we would meet
It was fun to crawl among the boxes in the dark
As the light beams would show upon its mark
I recall across the street from Jim’s Miracle Market, in a yard with a friend
We’d gather to play among the leaves, never thinking those days would end
Carefree in the season, the leaves and the box fort we made
Making Autumn Memories, that will never fade
Dedicated to my friend Richard Norman, who helped make being a kid much more fun.
Amber's Light
by Bud Lemire on June 7, 2008
Today I received a letter, straight from a little girl’s heart
Who told me my presence, played a very special part
She showed me respect, and filled it with her love
A Charmed one she is, from Heaven above
Oh dearest Amber, with your soul so bright
You’ve touched me deeply, with your loving light
I know all the things, that you’ve been through
With me around, you’re free to be the real you
No insults, I respect you for all you are
Though you are a child, you have traveled far
You have seen and heard, things that you should not
With me, you can speak freely with every thought
No need to worry that I’ll bring you down
I’ll do my best too see there is no frown
I’m fair and equal with everything I do
I’ll do my best to do the best for you
Please know I’m not rich, but I’ve got a lot of love to give
There will be things without, each day that we live
If you give me a chance, I’ll do my very best
Because as a team, we three won’t expect any less
As a team we will work together to make each day better
Because each day we grow together, is a pleasure
And a smile is always nice to see
So you can expect many from me
For a little girl named Amber who wrote me a letter one day and it touched me
Today I received a letter, straight from a little girl’s heart
Who told me my presence, played a very special part
She showed me respect, and filled it with her love
A Charmed one she is, from Heaven above
Oh dearest Amber, with your soul so bright
You’ve touched me deeply, with your loving light
I know all the things, that you’ve been through
With me around, you’re free to be the real you
No insults, I respect you for all you are
Though you are a child, you have traveled far
You have seen and heard, things that you should not
With me, you can speak freely with every thought
No need to worry that I’ll bring you down
I’ll do my best too see there is no frown
I’m fair and equal with everything I do
I’ll do my best to do the best for you
Please know I’m not rich, but I’ve got a lot of love to give
There will be things without, each day that we live
If you give me a chance, I’ll do my very best
Because as a team, we three won’t expect any less
As a team we will work together to make each day better
Because each day we grow together, is a pleasure
And a smile is always nice to see
So you can expect many from me
For a little girl named Amber who wrote me a letter one day and it touched me
A Special Birthday
by Bud Lemire on January 16, 2008
It’s a special Birthday for someone today
I’m so glad her journey took her my way
You see it all started with a dream
But today I’m thinking of cake and ice cream
We met in a chatroom, for people who believe as we do
Our friendship turned to love, and we became the we two
We’re always together, connected by a strand
Spiritually connected, holding each other’s hand
Our love for each other grew to be real strong
We knew that together is where we belong
Her name is Linda, and her heart is mine to hold
Our souls warming each other when the nights are cold
Her energy is amazing when it flows through me
When our souls merge I’m all that I can be
When her spirit comes to me in the night
I’m filled throughout with the warmest delight
Her Birthday comes the day after mine
After her Birthday, she’ll be my Valentine
I honor this special woman on this special day
For coming into my life and having her love stay
Happy Birthday my lovely Linda, I am so happy to honor your Birth on this special day. The day following mine.
It’s a special Birthday for someone today
I’m so glad her journey took her my way
You see it all started with a dream
But today I’m thinking of cake and ice cream
We met in a chatroom, for people who believe as we do
Our friendship turned to love, and we became the we two
We’re always together, connected by a strand
Spiritually connected, holding each other’s hand
Our love for each other grew to be real strong
We knew that together is where we belong
Her name is Linda, and her heart is mine to hold
Our souls warming each other when the nights are cold
Her energy is amazing when it flows through me
When our souls merge I’m all that I can be
When her spirit comes to me in the night
I’m filled throughout with the warmest delight
Her Birthday comes the day after mine
After her Birthday, she’ll be my Valentine
I honor this special woman on this special day
For coming into my life and having her love stay
Happy Birthday my lovely Linda, I am so happy to honor your Birth on this special day. The day following mine.
What Are They?
By Bud Lemire on Feb 25, 2009
They come out in the darkness, when you are asleep
Around the corner, and quickly do they creep
When the light comes on, they disappear
They don’t like it, when you come near
They’re so fast, you imagine that they’re there
But you can find them, almost everywhere
They come around food, so keep your place clean
Even if it’s spotless, they still can be seen
It seems no matter where you live, there is a pest
Even when you clean your place, the very best
The best way to deal with them, is to always know
All the places these little creatures will go
What draws them somewhere, I wish I knew
And if there’s just one, do they let others know too
Maybe a radar is sent and the others come around
Under the door marching, without making a sound
Dim the lights and sneak up to see
Where they are, where they can be
Maybe you’ll see many, maybe just a few
If you are smart, you’ll know what to do
If you can guess what these little creatures are… will have guessed the title of this poem. I left it out so you could guess what it was.
They come out in the darkness, when you are asleep
Around the corner, and quickly do they creep
When the light comes on, they disappear
They don’t like it, when you come near
They’re so fast, you imagine that they’re there
But you can find them, almost everywhere
They come around food, so keep your place clean
Even if it’s spotless, they still can be seen
It seems no matter where you live, there is a pest
Even when you clean your place, the very best
The best way to deal with them, is to always know
All the places these little creatures will go
What draws them somewhere, I wish I knew
And if there’s just one, do they let others know too
Maybe a radar is sent and the others come around
Under the door marching, without making a sound
Dim the lights and sneak up to see
Where they are, where they can be
Maybe you’ll see many, maybe just a few
If you are smart, you’ll know what to do
If you can guess what these little creatures are… will have guessed the title of this poem. I left it out so you could guess what it was.
One Piece
By Bud Lemire on May 15, 2009
With one piece of the puzzle, what more can you do
Find a place it’ll fit in, to make a bigger picture for you
A piece of puzzle is like life, there’s so much to know
But once the pieces start fitting, everything will show
With one piece, all points connect
Making more sense, with each one you select
It’s just a matter of finding the right place
For everything and everyone has their own space
Sometimes you feel one piece is what you need
To solve life’s problem and take the lead
But like the pieces laid out on the table
When searching with an open mind, all things are able
Patience to prevail will help you see
Where you fit in, one piece is the key
Life is learning gradually, as we move along
The values of knowing what’s right and what’s wrong
You will find several similar pieces will seem to fit
But you’ll notice they don’t, not all of it
So with one piece, what more can you do
But fit them together, so it makes a picture for you
I find that the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle are like life, you’re always searching for that one piece that will make the bigger picture. Sometimes you need to realize, what if that piece is missing and may never be found. Then you accept what you have and are content to see and have what you do. Sometimes the piece might be under the table, and someone points it out to you and you realize it was so much closer than you ever knew. Life is about knowing that you have all the pieces and all you have to do is put them together.
With one piece of the puzzle, what more can you do
Find a place it’ll fit in, to make a bigger picture for you
A piece of puzzle is like life, there’s so much to know
But once the pieces start fitting, everything will show
With one piece, all points connect
Making more sense, with each one you select
It’s just a matter of finding the right place
For everything and everyone has their own space
Sometimes you feel one piece is what you need
To solve life’s problem and take the lead
But like the pieces laid out on the table
When searching with an open mind, all things are able
Patience to prevail will help you see
Where you fit in, one piece is the key
Life is learning gradually, as we move along
The values of knowing what’s right and what’s wrong
You will find several similar pieces will seem to fit
But you’ll notice they don’t, not all of it
So with one piece, what more can you do
But fit them together, so it makes a picture for you
I find that the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle are like life, you’re always searching for that one piece that will make the bigger picture. Sometimes you need to realize, what if that piece is missing and may never be found. Then you accept what you have and are content to see and have what you do. Sometimes the piece might be under the table, and someone points it out to you and you realize it was so much closer than you ever knew. Life is about knowing that you have all the pieces and all you have to do is put them together.
The 4th Of July
By Bud Lemire on June 27, 2009
Thunderous sounds bring on colorful lights in the sky
It’s time once again, to celebrate the 4th of July
So many colors appearing, and spreading out
Ooohs and awwwws are heard all about
In the darkness, the color shines all around
From the sky comes another thunderous sound
Greens, reds, blues, and yellows appear all over the sky
Beauty is so often beheld by everyone’s eye
People sitting on the ground, many are sitting in their chair
Some have sparklers, or are lighting firecrackers over there
A bottle rocket shoots into the sky over head
And atop the hill I see there is a pair of newlyweds
Holding hands and they gaze at the sky
I see the love gleaming in their eye
Blue eyes, brown eyes, flash of color in the air
Fireworks thunder while it’s love they share
For them, every day is like the 4th of July
You can see it if you look in their eye
It’s a great night for sparks, it’s a great night for love
While the colors are shining down from far above
The finalé brings on the last thunder of the night
Darkness comes, but these two dance away in the light
Nothing is as great as watching the Fireworks on the 4th Of July with the one you love. Sharing in the special moment, on a very special night. I wish everyone a Great 4th Of July, and hoping you’re sharing it with the ones you love.
Thunderous sounds bring on colorful lights in the sky
It’s time once again, to celebrate the 4th of July
So many colors appearing, and spreading out
Ooohs and awwwws are heard all about
In the darkness, the color shines all around
From the sky comes another thunderous sound
Greens, reds, blues, and yellows appear all over the sky
Beauty is so often beheld by everyone’s eye
People sitting on the ground, many are sitting in their chair
Some have sparklers, or are lighting firecrackers over there
A bottle rocket shoots into the sky over head
And atop the hill I see there is a pair of newlyweds
Holding hands and they gaze at the sky
I see the love gleaming in their eye
Blue eyes, brown eyes, flash of color in the air
Fireworks thunder while it’s love they share
For them, every day is like the 4th of July
You can see it if you look in their eye
It’s a great night for sparks, it’s a great night for love
While the colors are shining down from far above
The finalé brings on the last thunder of the night
Darkness comes, but these two dance away in the light
Nothing is as great as watching the Fireworks on the 4th Of July with the one you love. Sharing in the special moment, on a very special night. I wish everyone a Great 4th Of July, and hoping you’re sharing it with the ones you love.
A Cup And A Smoke
By Bud Lemire on May 16, 2009
I remember long ago in my memory
Seeing Mom and Dad at the table with a cup of coffee
A cigarette in one hand, and a cup of coffee in the other
It was enjoyed so much by my Father and my Mother
It’s been a tradition that many still do
A morning ritual that helps you get through
A cup and a smoke, early in the day
A smile and a feeling, to send you on your way
I grew up on coffee, drank it as a kid
Dunking toast in it, was what I always did
Some cream and sugar to make it sweet
Two more slices in the toaster and my breakfast was complete
I never smoked, but I know the feeling that’s there
When the sensation from a puff, touches you everywhere
I get that feeling from many things that I do
But I do understand what the smoke does for you
I raise my cup to my smoking friends here
“This coffee tastes good, I wonder if I could have a beer?”
“Maybe I’ll settle for a toast to dunk in my cup”
“Hold that elevator for me, I’m going up”
I wrote this poem for all my friends who come down early in the morning to have cup of coffee with their smoke. In all kinds of weather, they come down. They gather around and meet others who do the same. In many ways it’s better than being alone in your apartment. Making new friends, and sharing your thoughts and latest news.
Like many places, the health of the many outweigh the choices of the few. I know it becomes an inconvenience, but think of it as prolonging other lives of the ones that don’t smoke. It’s your choice to smoke, so this is in honor of all my smoking’ friends. Drink a cup of coffee and have an enjoyable smoke.
I remember long ago in my memory
Seeing Mom and Dad at the table with a cup of coffee
A cigarette in one hand, and a cup of coffee in the other
It was enjoyed so much by my Father and my Mother
It’s been a tradition that many still do
A morning ritual that helps you get through
A cup and a smoke, early in the day
A smile and a feeling, to send you on your way
I grew up on coffee, drank it as a kid
Dunking toast in it, was what I always did
Some cream and sugar to make it sweet
Two more slices in the toaster and my breakfast was complete
I never smoked, but I know the feeling that’s there
When the sensation from a puff, touches you everywhere
I get that feeling from many things that I do
But I do understand what the smoke does for you
I raise my cup to my smoking friends here
“This coffee tastes good, I wonder if I could have a beer?”
“Maybe I’ll settle for a toast to dunk in my cup”
“Hold that elevator for me, I’m going up”
I wrote this poem for all my friends who come down early in the morning to have cup of coffee with their smoke. In all kinds of weather, they come down. They gather around and meet others who do the same. In many ways it’s better than being alone in your apartment. Making new friends, and sharing your thoughts and latest news.
Like many places, the health of the many outweigh the choices of the few. I know it becomes an inconvenience, but think of it as prolonging other lives of the ones that don’t smoke. It’s your choice to smoke, so this is in honor of all my smoking’ friends. Drink a cup of coffee and have an enjoyable smoke.
Sunday, November 27, 2011
Discovering (Ode to Buck LeVasseur )
By Bud Lemire on Sept 13, 2010
It was on “Discovering” on Monday night, that I first met Buck
Into my living room he came, colorful as a duck
He brought us all over the U.P., nature at its best
Hunters and Fishermen, and much more of the rest
Buck keeps us in touch with the wildlife found here in the U.P.
Taking us with him into the woods, so we can also see
Setting up his camera, capturing the beauty of all life there
Putting it on his show, because he loves to share
He interviews the Hunters that are found here
Getting firsthand details of the wildlife that is near
He helps promote the handicapped hunters, and does a great job
With help from good samaritans, he even helped my friend Bob
He shares with us history, trailblazers, and some art
Life here in the U.P., and all who do their part
Out on the lake, the Fishermen caught another trout
Experiencing the great outdoors is what its all about
He brought us to the DeYoung Zoo, to see the animals there
And into the fields to see nature’s best found anywhere
Why he was even chased down by a big old moose
I’m sure he’s seen his share of the Canadian Goose
Buck we’d like to thank you, for bringing us your show
So we could come along, and learn and we would know
For many years we watched you on T.V.
Capturing nature’s beauty, found in the U.P.
Thank you Buck, for sharing with us all you have over the years. We have discovered so much more because of what you have shared with us.
It was on “Discovering” on Monday night, that I first met Buck
Into my living room he came, colorful as a duck
He brought us all over the U.P., nature at its best
Hunters and Fishermen, and much more of the rest
Buck keeps us in touch with the wildlife found here in the U.P.
Taking us with him into the woods, so we can also see
Setting up his camera, capturing the beauty of all life there
Putting it on his show, because he loves to share
He interviews the Hunters that are found here
Getting firsthand details of the wildlife that is near
He helps promote the handicapped hunters, and does a great job
With help from good samaritans, he even helped my friend Bob
He shares with us history, trailblazers, and some art
Life here in the U.P., and all who do their part
Out on the lake, the Fishermen caught another trout
Experiencing the great outdoors is what its all about
He brought us to the DeYoung Zoo, to see the animals there
And into the fields to see nature’s best found anywhere
Why he was even chased down by a big old moose
I’m sure he’s seen his share of the Canadian Goose
Buck we’d like to thank you, for bringing us your show
So we could come along, and learn and we would know
For many years we watched you on T.V.
Capturing nature’s beauty, found in the U.P.
Thank you Buck, for sharing with us all you have over the years. We have discovered so much more because of what you have shared with us.
Your Family Tree
By Bud Lemire on June 6, 2009
Many years ago I climbed my Family Tree
The time has passed and I still can’t let it be
It seems the more I do, the more I want to do
I know I’ll spend a lifetime, and I’ll never be through
But it really doesn’t matter at all to me
It seems that I was born to do genealogy
There are always updates that need filling in
Many people are not sure where they should begin
First of all you have to start with You
Then your parents and grandparents and everything you knew
Until you can’t go back on your memory
Then you start on that branch on your Family Tree
Don’t think of it as a big job, to climb the Family Tree
Space it out in branches, for it’s your Family History
The history of your family, leading down to you
All the information found, that you never knew
What they did for a living, the year they immigrated
A new land to move to, it had to be appreciated
Raising a large family, was hard work to do
Farming for survival, so the life could lead to you
I’m always finding something as I research a little more
I believe the “learning experience” is what we’re here for
So if you are swinging around on your Family Tree
There can’t be any monkey business when it comes to genealogy
The answers can be found, somehow and somewhere
And there’s always someone, who is willing to share
Never give up, as you search your Family Tree
New information will appear, in your ancestry
For we are guided by those who came before
They are behind us, so we can find so much more
I've had so much pleasure from climbing my family tree. I've met some really wonderful people who have passed through my life as well.
Many years ago I climbed my Family Tree
The time has passed and I still can’t let it be
It seems the more I do, the more I want to do
I know I’ll spend a lifetime, and I’ll never be through
But it really doesn’t matter at all to me
It seems that I was born to do genealogy
There are always updates that need filling in
Many people are not sure where they should begin
First of all you have to start with You
Then your parents and grandparents and everything you knew
Until you can’t go back on your memory
Then you start on that branch on your Family Tree
Don’t think of it as a big job, to climb the Family Tree
Space it out in branches, for it’s your Family History
The history of your family, leading down to you
All the information found, that you never knew
What they did for a living, the year they immigrated
A new land to move to, it had to be appreciated
Raising a large family, was hard work to do
Farming for survival, so the life could lead to you
I’m always finding something as I research a little more
I believe the “learning experience” is what we’re here for
So if you are swinging around on your Family Tree
There can’t be any monkey business when it comes to genealogy
The answers can be found, somehow and somewhere
And there’s always someone, who is willing to share
Never give up, as you search your Family Tree
New information will appear, in your ancestry
For we are guided by those who came before
They are behind us, so we can find so much more
I've had so much pleasure from climbing my family tree. I've met some really wonderful people who have passed through my life as well.
Tragedies Can Be Blessings
By Bud Lemire on March 7, 2009
Sometimes the normal things are taken for granted
Exactly wherever our feet are planted
In a place where we think we’ll always be
Never thinking about an upcoming tragedy
But life has a way of hitting us at a time
When we aren’t really looking for any sign
A fire strikes, a flood happens, or a tornado
It happens whenever, you just never know
The things you treasured the most are taken away
And it could happen on any old day
Just when things seem so bleak
And you feel the tragedy has left you weak
There is hope
To help you cope
There is faith
For you to embrace
There is more to life than the material things
It’s the people you touch, and the feelings it brings
So often we live to have more to own
But in the end, we leave this world alone
We can’t take them with us, when we go
But we carry their memories, within our soul
The tragedy has come, and made us stronger
Even though we don’t have them any longer
Sometimes the tragedies can be blessings
As we learn about life through all of our lessons
Still a loss is a loss, and we wish we still had them. But our soul learns to go on. With hope, faith, and love as our guide.
Sometimes the normal things are taken for granted
Exactly wherever our feet are planted
In a place where we think we’ll always be
Never thinking about an upcoming tragedy
But life has a way of hitting us at a time
When we aren’t really looking for any sign
A fire strikes, a flood happens, or a tornado
It happens whenever, you just never know
The things you treasured the most are taken away
And it could happen on any old day
Just when things seem so bleak
And you feel the tragedy has left you weak
There is hope
To help you cope
There is faith
For you to embrace
There is more to life than the material things
It’s the people you touch, and the feelings it brings
So often we live to have more to own
But in the end, we leave this world alone
We can’t take them with us, when we go
But we carry their memories, within our soul
The tragedy has come, and made us stronger
Even though we don’t have them any longer
Sometimes the tragedies can be blessings
As we learn about life through all of our lessons
Still a loss is a loss, and we wish we still had them. But our soul learns to go on. With hope, faith, and love as our guide.
Those Who Pass Our Way
By Bud Lemire on Feb 16, 2009
On the journey of life, many people pass our way
Adding so much, to each and every day
Some stay for a short time, some for quite awhile
They leave us with an impression, they leave us with a smile
Some leave, never to return
But there’s always so much we can learn
They leave us with a wonderful thought
Of all the things that they had brought
Memories that we can look back upon
Like the words found in a touching song
They play over and over in our mind
Bringing us back to that special time
A vision appears and we can see
When we last saw them, in our memory
Some have passed, some moved away
Some journeys end, some begin anew each day
For us, how can we forget
Those special people that we have met
We can look back and we will always know
Those Who Pass Our Way, wherever we go
I dedicate this poem to Eric Lemire of Charbuy France, a friend and cousin who passed away on January 21, 2009. I also dedicate this to all the other people who have passed through my life, and made a big impression.
On the journey of life, many people pass our way
Adding so much, to each and every day
Some stay for a short time, some for quite awhile
They leave us with an impression, they leave us with a smile
Some leave, never to return
But there’s always so much we can learn
They leave us with a wonderful thought
Of all the things that they had brought
Memories that we can look back upon
Like the words found in a touching song
They play over and over in our mind
Bringing us back to that special time
A vision appears and we can see
When we last saw them, in our memory
Some have passed, some moved away
Some journeys end, some begin anew each day
For us, how can we forget
Those special people that we have met
We can look back and we will always know
Those Who Pass Our Way, wherever we go
I dedicate this poem to Eric Lemire of Charbuy France, a friend and cousin who passed away on January 21, 2009. I also dedicate this to all the other people who have passed through my life, and made a big impression.
The Tapestry Of Life
By Bud Lemire on Oct 7, 2009
Each of our life’s journey, is like a tapestry
Interwoven by the many threads, that become our destiny
The journey we’ve taken is a picture that’ll show
When we reach the journey’s end, we’ll know
What will be in your tapestry?
Everything in your life, you want it to be!
You weave your tapestry of life every day
And the threads that are woven and what it will say
What best represents you will show
With each thread you weave, it’ll grow
Each tapestry is different than the others that you see
For each of us, our lives follow a different destiny
It’ll show who we are, and what we’ve been through
And through the many people, that we’ve come to know
Some will be bigger, and some will be small
Put on display, among the many pictures in the hall
Follow your path, and weave with the thread
Make all good moves, and watch what is said
Time will show us, the picture that we weave
The Tapestry Of Life, until it’s our turn to leave
The Tapestry Of Life is woven by each of us by everything we do. With the way we treat others, the acts of kindness we do, the smile we give to others, and the appreciation we show for what they do also. It can be very beautiful if we are willing to make the effort to weave it the right way. I’d like to think that my Tapestry would be a beautiful one that I can place upon my wall and admire for the many years to come.
Each of our life’s journey, is like a tapestry
Interwoven by the many threads, that become our destiny
The journey we’ve taken is a picture that’ll show
When we reach the journey’s end, we’ll know
What will be in your tapestry?
Everything in your life, you want it to be!
You weave your tapestry of life every day
And the threads that are woven and what it will say
What best represents you will show
With each thread you weave, it’ll grow
Each tapestry is different than the others that you see
For each of us, our lives follow a different destiny
It’ll show who we are, and what we’ve been through
And through the many people, that we’ve come to know
Some will be bigger, and some will be small
Put on display, among the many pictures in the hall
Follow your path, and weave with the thread
Make all good moves, and watch what is said
Time will show us, the picture that we weave
The Tapestry Of Life, until it’s our turn to leave
The Tapestry Of Life is woven by each of us by everything we do. With the way we treat others, the acts of kindness we do, the smile we give to others, and the appreciation we show for what they do also. It can be very beautiful if we are willing to make the effort to weave it the right way. I’d like to think that my Tapestry would be a beautiful one that I can place upon my wall and admire for the many years to come.
The Rules Of The Game
By Bud Lemire on Jan 25, 2009
Rumors are like a game
Different versions of the same
It gets passed around to everyone
Some rules are changed when it is done
You roll the dice, you get a score
But the rules include so much more
Not five dice, but six dice instead
It’s on the internet, it’s what I read
Five dice is what I was taught
It’s the only way is what I thought
When I play the game with you
It’s the only way that I knew
Maybe that’s how a new game begins
You throw the dice and everyone wins
You roll the bones to play
And the rules seem to be okay
It’s great to enjoy and have some fun
But changes are made by everyone
Just remember not everyone plays the same
When playing by The Rules Of The Game
Life is like rules, we each have different ways of playing the game of life, but it takes us to the same destination.
Rumors are like a game
Different versions of the same
It gets passed around to everyone
Some rules are changed when it is done
You roll the dice, you get a score
But the rules include so much more
Not five dice, but six dice instead
It’s on the internet, it’s what I read
Five dice is what I was taught
It’s the only way is what I thought
When I play the game with you
It’s the only way that I knew
Maybe that’s how a new game begins
You throw the dice and everyone wins
You roll the bones to play
And the rules seem to be okay
It’s great to enjoy and have some fun
But changes are made by everyone
Just remember not everyone plays the same
When playing by The Rules Of The Game
Life is like rules, we each have different ways of playing the game of life, but it takes us to the same destination.
The Popcorn Man
By Bud Lemire on March 3, 2009
Call me The Popcorn Man
I’ll try to help you understand
I love the pop pop pop
From a good crop crop crop
I love to eat the popcorn
I’m sure it’s the reason I was born
Popcorn and cheese every night
Make mine extra butter, alright!
With apple juice, it goes down so wonderfully
Popcorn popping is the favorite treat for me
Oh and I love the smell
When it’s done I hear the microwave bell
Into a bowl falls this corny treat
Into my mouth so I can eat
A slice of cheese completes my corny soul
Fills up my stomach, fills my empty hole
I remember as a boy, at the Popcorn Stand
While listening to the Escanaba City Band
The Popcorn stand stationed on Ludington street
I remember those days with each kernel I eat
As I sit back in my recliner each night
This popcorn snack is a wonderful delight
Now you know and truly understand
Why I can call myself The Popcorn Man
Writing this poem has made me hungry for some popcorn….so I am going to pop some and sit back and enjoy it. *POP* *POP* *POP*
Call me The Popcorn Man
I’ll try to help you understand
I love the pop pop pop
From a good crop crop crop
I love to eat the popcorn
I’m sure it’s the reason I was born
Popcorn and cheese every night
Make mine extra butter, alright!
With apple juice, it goes down so wonderfully
Popcorn popping is the favorite treat for me
Oh and I love the smell
When it’s done I hear the microwave bell
Into a bowl falls this corny treat
Into my mouth so I can eat
A slice of cheese completes my corny soul
Fills up my stomach, fills my empty hole
I remember as a boy, at the Popcorn Stand
While listening to the Escanaba City Band
The Popcorn stand stationed on Ludington street
I remember those days with each kernel I eat
As I sit back in my recliner each night
This popcorn snack is a wonderful delight
Now you know and truly understand
Why I can call myself The Popcorn Man
Writing this poem has made me hungry for some popcorn….so I am going to pop some and sit back and enjoy it. *POP* *POP* *POP*
The Light From Heaven 2
By Bud Lemire on Nov 7, 2009
Sometimes we’re in a situation, and find it hard to cope
Depressing thoughts, without much chance of hope
In every place we find ourselves, there is always some light
To snuff out all the wrongs, and make every thing all right
Still we must experience, and try our best to get through
Knowing that the light will shine, on a better world for you
We were given a spirit, strength of the soul
To help us climb out of any dark hole
We were given friends and family, to be by our side
And a strong belief, to be our truest guide
No matter how dark our path may be
That light will always help ourselves to see
As long as we believe, it’ll make us strong
To endure the long path, to reach where we belong
Only our soul will know exactly where
Our need to be, our need to share
Although at this moment, it’s hard to smile
It’s cold, it’s dark, but it lasts only awhile
The Light From Heaven, will forever shine
For you are a creature blessed of the divine
When life gets you down, remember that life is just a temporary place. Our soul has come here for the human experience. Lessons to learn, so we will grow spiritually. And we do grow as we learn, as we move through life, to reach where we are now, on our way to where we need to be.
Sometimes we’re in a situation, and find it hard to cope
Depressing thoughts, without much chance of hope
In every place we find ourselves, there is always some light
To snuff out all the wrongs, and make every thing all right
Still we must experience, and try our best to get through
Knowing that the light will shine, on a better world for you
We were given a spirit, strength of the soul
To help us climb out of any dark hole
We were given friends and family, to be by our side
And a strong belief, to be our truest guide
No matter how dark our path may be
That light will always help ourselves to see
As long as we believe, it’ll make us strong
To endure the long path, to reach where we belong
Only our soul will know exactly where
Our need to be, our need to share
Although at this moment, it’s hard to smile
It’s cold, it’s dark, but it lasts only awhile
The Light From Heaven, will forever shine
For you are a creature blessed of the divine
When life gets you down, remember that life is just a temporary place. Our soul has come here for the human experience. Lessons to learn, so we will grow spiritually. And we do grow as we learn, as we move through life, to reach where we are now, on our way to where we need to be.
The Light From Heaven
By Bud Lemire on April 6, 2007 & Feb 22, 2009
I closed my eyes, and fell into a dream
As I let myself be taken, down the astral stream
I found myself in a meadow, with butterflies galore
They danced around my head, and I couldn’t ask for more
I saw a path, in a forest of trees
As I started for it, I felt a gentle breeze
Warm as it touched me, it felt like a touch
I’m sure I heard it whisper, “Thank you very much”
I turned around, but no butterflies were in sight
But ahead of me, on the trail was a light
So bright and so inviting, beckoning to me
I had to get much closer, so that I could see
It looked like people, yet they weren’t on the ground
Floating in the air, and I could hear a sound
It was laughter, so much joy could be heard
I stood by a branch, where perched a white bird
The bird glowed, as it spoke to my soul
It said “your journey goes on, but one day you’ll be whole”
“You’re doing a great job, keep up what you do”
“I send you peace, because you are you”
I felt the loving energy, as it surrounded me
Yet there was so much more, that I could see
Joy and laughter filled me as I turned around
And I found I too, was lifted off the ground
When you fill your soul with love and joy, you can be lifted off the ground and feel so much better. What you see depends on what you believe. If you believe, you can see so much more.
I closed my eyes, and fell into a dream
As I let myself be taken, down the astral stream
I found myself in a meadow, with butterflies galore
They danced around my head, and I couldn’t ask for more
I saw a path, in a forest of trees
As I started for it, I felt a gentle breeze
Warm as it touched me, it felt like a touch
I’m sure I heard it whisper, “Thank you very much”
I turned around, but no butterflies were in sight
But ahead of me, on the trail was a light
So bright and so inviting, beckoning to me
I had to get much closer, so that I could see
It looked like people, yet they weren’t on the ground
Floating in the air, and I could hear a sound
It was laughter, so much joy could be heard
I stood by a branch, where perched a white bird
The bird glowed, as it spoke to my soul
It said “your journey goes on, but one day you’ll be whole”
“You’re doing a great job, keep up what you do”
“I send you peace, because you are you”
I felt the loving energy, as it surrounded me
Yet there was so much more, that I could see
Joy and laughter filled me as I turned around
And I found I too, was lifted off the ground
When you fill your soul with love and joy, you can be lifted off the ground and feel so much better. What you see depends on what you believe. If you believe, you can see so much more.
The Dark Hole
by Bud Lemire on Feb 19, 2009
Dearest friend, I’ve seen several changes in you
Things that you say, and things that you do
Your attitude has changed, your personality isn’t the same
You only have YOU, because you are to blame
You’ve turned away from the man I once knew
It’s hard to be close, like I once use to
Yes, people can say rude things, but not all the time
The spirits have told me, that that’s a bad sign
Your attitude is pushing your true friends away
The ones who care, won’t want to stay
I may not understand all you say and do
But the spirits know your thoughts, and all you go through
They know the wall you’ve built, and see what is there
And the spirits they know, you are being unfair
Don’t blame the ones who have cared for you here
We all know that you’re covering some hidden fear
You can spend all your money, sell all you own
But in the end, you will just be alone
Those who once loved you, and stood by your side
Have walked away, when part of you died
You know what’s the cause of this to be
The truth of the matter, has been shown to me
Those who care about me, have shown me the way
And if you keep this up, I can not stay
I loved you dearly, for the man I once knew
But lately you just haven’t been you
What I know or don’t know, doesn’t matter to me
The spirits are watching you, they know what they see
“What has become of my son?”
“He thinks he’s turned to having fun”
“But he’s just hurting everyone”
“Oh dear God, what can be done?”
When you left his world, he didn’t know how to deal
When he lost his hope, he lost his sense to feel
This habit he has, is out of control
Which has driven him into, a very dark hole
Dearest friend, I’ve seen several changes in you
Things that you say, and things that you do
Your attitude has changed, your personality isn’t the same
You only have YOU, because you are to blame
You’ve turned away from the man I once knew
It’s hard to be close, like I once use to
Yes, people can say rude things, but not all the time
The spirits have told me, that that’s a bad sign
Your attitude is pushing your true friends away
The ones who care, won’t want to stay
I may not understand all you say and do
But the spirits know your thoughts, and all you go through
They know the wall you’ve built, and see what is there
And the spirits they know, you are being unfair
Don’t blame the ones who have cared for you here
We all know that you’re covering some hidden fear
You can spend all your money, sell all you own
But in the end, you will just be alone
Those who once loved you, and stood by your side
Have walked away, when part of you died
You know what’s the cause of this to be
The truth of the matter, has been shown to me
Those who care about me, have shown me the way
And if you keep this up, I can not stay
I loved you dearly, for the man I once knew
But lately you just haven’t been you
What I know or don’t know, doesn’t matter to me
The spirits are watching you, they know what they see
“What has become of my son?”
“He thinks he’s turned to having fun”
“But he’s just hurting everyone”
“Oh dear God, what can be done?”
When you left his world, he didn’t know how to deal
When he lost his hope, he lost his sense to feel
This habit he has, is out of control
Which has driven him into, a very dark hole
Strangers And Friends
By Bud Lemire on April 25, 2009
In a place where people are moving in and out
There’s no room in your mind for doubt
You may feel threatened by strangers moving in
But with an introduction, a friendship could begin
For we are only strangers, when we are unknown
Not circulating among others, as if we’re made of stone
A few words spoken, in kindness is a start
Will bring together a friendship, that was kept apart
We are all different, with our various personalities
Yet a friend can be a person, who sets your soul at ease
Someone you can rely on, and so trusting too
A friend is a friend, because they also trust you
A simple friendship starts with a hello
And then it takes you wherever it will go
A simple hello in passing, may be just right
Or a game of cards or dice, on an occasional night
Friendship may mean different things to people that you know
But the friendship that I’ve known, touches upon the soul
People enter our lives as a stranger, but they leave as a friend
And the bond of that friendship, is one that’ll never end
This is to all the friends I’ve made. You know who you are. The ones I say hello to in passing, and the ones I stop to talk with whenever I am around. Thank you my friends, for making life easier with every hello you share.
In a place where people are moving in and out
There’s no room in your mind for doubt
You may feel threatened by strangers moving in
But with an introduction, a friendship could begin
For we are only strangers, when we are unknown
Not circulating among others, as if we’re made of stone
A few words spoken, in kindness is a start
Will bring together a friendship, that was kept apart
We are all different, with our various personalities
Yet a friend can be a person, who sets your soul at ease
Someone you can rely on, and so trusting too
A friend is a friend, because they also trust you
A simple friendship starts with a hello
And then it takes you wherever it will go
A simple hello in passing, may be just right
Or a game of cards or dice, on an occasional night
Friendship may mean different things to people that you know
But the friendship that I’ve known, touches upon the soul
People enter our lives as a stranger, but they leave as a friend
And the bond of that friendship, is one that’ll never end
This is to all the friends I’ve made. You know who you are. The ones I say hello to in passing, and the ones I stop to talk with whenever I am around. Thank you my friends, for making life easier with every hello you share.
Snow Was Falling
By Bud Lemire on Nov 29, 2009
Snow was falling to the ground
Upon a face a frown was found
Don’t feel so bad that Winter’s here
It’s not forever so don’t you fear
I know it gets so very cold
And it seems harder when you’re old
The sun will shine again
For you my dear friend
I know the wind is strong
But every season has its song
If you listen you will hear
And you won’t need to shed a tear
I know people who stay active every season
Into sports and are always happy with a reason
Each time of the year brings something new
For me, each year a pleasant surprise comes through
I never know what it’ll be
Until the time it reaches me
Something unexpected, yet so wonderful to receive
Could be anything, and every year I believe
I am blessed to enjoy good in every day
In every season that comes my way
Snow was falling to the ground
Upon my face a smile was found
I am blessed to have such wonderful family and friends, and people who truly love and care for me. I thank them for being around in all seasons, through sun, rain, snow, and so much more. Thank you so very much!
Snow was falling to the ground
Upon a face a frown was found
Don’t feel so bad that Winter’s here
It’s not forever so don’t you fear
I know it gets so very cold
And it seems harder when you’re old
The sun will shine again
For you my dear friend
I know the wind is strong
But every season has its song
If you listen you will hear
And you won’t need to shed a tear
I know people who stay active every season
Into sports and are always happy with a reason
Each time of the year brings something new
For me, each year a pleasant surprise comes through
I never know what it’ll be
Until the time it reaches me
Something unexpected, yet so wonderful to receive
Could be anything, and every year I believe
I am blessed to enjoy good in every day
In every season that comes my way
Snow was falling to the ground
Upon my face a smile was found
I am blessed to have such wonderful family and friends, and people who truly love and care for me. I thank them for being around in all seasons, through sun, rain, snow, and so much more. Thank you so very much!
She Carried A Beautiful Smile
By Bud Lemire on March 30th 2009
I remember as a child so long ago
There was this woman who was always nice to know
She was proud, so very proud of you
And would always be, of everything you’d do
She always loved life, and carried a beautiful smile
When she walked by my house, she’d stop to talk awhile
She always had something to share about her son
Everything, and all the things he’s done
I was always glad you had a kind Mother too
Someone there in life, to always help you through
Sometimes in life, something comes along
That make it so much harder for us to sing our song
Changes us forever, but never for better
And we feel privileged to have met her
But inside, deep within the soul
Captured by life’s tragedy, is that someone that we know
Memories of all, that they brought to us
Love so tender and kind, and of all the trust
A closeness of the heart and soul, that’s so very deep
When they leave this world, it makes us weep
She is free again, on the other side
With wings like a butterfly, and spirits as her guide
She always watches over, her son and her mate
From the inside, of that great Heavenly Gate
For now she surrounds them with her spiritual love
If they are open to it, they’ll feel it from above
In honor of David’s Mom, Mrs. Varino, and Leslie’s wife of many years, who passed away on March 28, 2009. She gave so much, and struggled so much, but in the end…she earned her wings…and flies among the Heavenly creatures like a butterfly.
I remember as a child so long ago
There was this woman who was always nice to know
She was proud, so very proud of you
And would always be, of everything you’d do
She always loved life, and carried a beautiful smile
When she walked by my house, she’d stop to talk awhile
She always had something to share about her son
Everything, and all the things he’s done
I was always glad you had a kind Mother too
Someone there in life, to always help you through
Sometimes in life, something comes along
That make it so much harder for us to sing our song
Changes us forever, but never for better
And we feel privileged to have met her
But inside, deep within the soul
Captured by life’s tragedy, is that someone that we know
Memories of all, that they brought to us
Love so tender and kind, and of all the trust
A closeness of the heart and soul, that’s so very deep
When they leave this world, it makes us weep
She is free again, on the other side
With wings like a butterfly, and spirits as her guide
She always watches over, her son and her mate
From the inside, of that great Heavenly Gate
For now she surrounds them with her spiritual love
If they are open to it, they’ll feel it from above
In honor of David’s Mom, Mrs. Varino, and Leslie’s wife of many years, who passed away on March 28, 2009. She gave so much, and struggled so much, but in the end…she earned her wings…and flies among the Heavenly creatures like a butterfly.
Passing Gas
By Bud Lemire on Aug 15, 2009
Everyone must pass a little gas from time to time
It’s a common thing, not too strongly on your mind
Sometimes it sneaks out, and that’s okay
It has to be released, so that is the way
Sometimes it’s quiet, sometimes it’s very loud
But it’s really embarrassing when it’s done in a crowd
Sometimes it stinks, and other times there’s no smell
When it does stink, sometimes it as loud as a bell
Those who admit to never having let a fart
Don’t realize we pass gas daily, and it’s healthy and smart
One must let out the bad gas from inside
Release those bad toxins, and smile with pride
Know your body, and what you can eat
Or that bad gas will have you running on your feet
I eat the foods that my body knows
So it’s not the bad gas that usually blows
Oh sure, you are laughing at this poem about farts
But you wouldn’t be if those toxins caused sparks
You never know who’s behind you while you’re passing gas
But they’ll know it’s you when they have walked past
Smile and just say “do you smell that too?”
And walk away as if you never really knew
Farts! I hope you like this poem. Some people say it stinks! But I say if you want it to smell okay. Shower regularly, eat the right foods, and take care of yourself. And don’t feel bad if you have to pass gas, a good Fart is healthy for you. I should know, I’ve been farting around for years.
Everyone must pass a little gas from time to time
It’s a common thing, not too strongly on your mind
Sometimes it sneaks out, and that’s okay
It has to be released, so that is the way
Sometimes it’s quiet, sometimes it’s very loud
But it’s really embarrassing when it’s done in a crowd
Sometimes it stinks, and other times there’s no smell
When it does stink, sometimes it as loud as a bell
Those who admit to never having let a fart
Don’t realize we pass gas daily, and it’s healthy and smart
One must let out the bad gas from inside
Release those bad toxins, and smile with pride
Know your body, and what you can eat
Or that bad gas will have you running on your feet
I eat the foods that my body knows
So it’s not the bad gas that usually blows
Oh sure, you are laughing at this poem about farts
But you wouldn’t be if those toxins caused sparks
You never know who’s behind you while you’re passing gas
But they’ll know it’s you when they have walked past
Smile and just say “do you smell that too?”
And walk away as if you never really knew
Farts! I hope you like this poem. Some people say it stinks! But I say if you want it to smell okay. Shower regularly, eat the right foods, and take care of yourself. And don’t feel bad if you have to pass gas, a good Fart is healthy for you. I should know, I’ve been farting around for years.
Over The Mountain
By Bud Lemire on Dec 19, 2009
She knew the mountains were high
All she wanted to do was cry
She’s been over mountains many times before
And knew they were something she couldn’t ignore
It’s been a long journey and she’s only halfway there
Friends along the way had some knowledge to share
With experience and time she made it through
Of course it was something I always knew
She’s shed a few tears along the way
Her struggle kept her busy every day
There were those who mocked her on everything she did
But her courage kept her going, because she had a kid
She had faith, she knew the spirits guided her
So she put in every effort that she had to endure
She had a heart as big as the ocean, with so much to give
Was friends with Nature’s Creatures, next to where she lived
Those tears come often, she’s a sensitive soul
By releasing these emotions, it’s helped to make her whole
From a child to a woman, she’s been through so much pain
But I know her very well, and I can tell you she’s not insane
In this life we live all we can do is try
She knew she gave her best in God’s Eye
I knew that she would make it over that mountain ahead
And down that path where she was being lead
For you Linda. There’s light at the end of the darkness you find yourself in. There’s hope for the future once it is over and the mountain is behind you. Me and your other friends are here for you to help you through these hard times. Better days are coming.
She knew the mountains were high
All she wanted to do was cry
She’s been over mountains many times before
And knew they were something she couldn’t ignore
It’s been a long journey and she’s only halfway there
Friends along the way had some knowledge to share
With experience and time she made it through
Of course it was something I always knew
She’s shed a few tears along the way
Her struggle kept her busy every day
There were those who mocked her on everything she did
But her courage kept her going, because she had a kid
She had faith, she knew the spirits guided her
So she put in every effort that she had to endure
She had a heart as big as the ocean, with so much to give
Was friends with Nature’s Creatures, next to where she lived
Those tears come often, she’s a sensitive soul
By releasing these emotions, it’s helped to make her whole
From a child to a woman, she’s been through so much pain
But I know her very well, and I can tell you she’s not insane
In this life we live all we can do is try
She knew she gave her best in God’s Eye
I knew that she would make it over that mountain ahead
And down that path where she was being lead
For you Linda. There’s light at the end of the darkness you find yourself in. There’s hope for the future once it is over and the mountain is behind you. Me and your other friends are here for you to help you through these hard times. Better days are coming.
My Red Bike

By Bud Lemire on Oct 20, 2009
I bought a new bike at MR.BIKE
It’s red and shiny and it’s something I like
My old bike was cheap and wasn’t easy to ride
And kept falling apart, but still I had tried
I had a red Schwinn that lasted for years
But this cheap green one brought too many fears
It was doing damage to my right leg each ride
But with this new one, each time is a glide
It’s a Trek, a top of the line bike today
And its ride is so smooth, as it takes me away
I can pedal a little, the cruise for awhile
As I ride along, you won’t miss my smile
A ride through the park is so much fun
A bike is a good thing for everyone
Exercise is good for the heart
And remember the body is a work of art
Saves on gas when you have a bike
You can see so much that you like
I know I’m glad I have mine
You’ll see me riding My Red Bike all the time
I love my new red bike from Mr.Bike, and I am back enjoying bike riding as I always have. It’s great to ride around and see so much beauty that is all around us.
Moving Ahead
By Bud Lemire on Dec 19, 2009
As we move ahead out of 2009
We leave a year of special events behind
We begin another year 2010
I start mine as usual with a pen
2009 has so many special memories for me
It showed me of a “Summer Of Love” eternally
A new red bike so my feet won’t be sore
And the many memories too special to ignore
Another adventure in life is about to start
The journey of the soul will play a special part
It will take me far from where I am
And I’ll grow into a stronger man
I haven’t a clue where I will go
I don’t think anyone does know
But I’m open to wherever it will be
For I know it’s written in my destiny
More photos to take, and more poetry
Enjoying the scenery with all I can see
Moving ahead into a New Year
Maybe I’ll start it off with a Root Beer
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year as you move ahead into a New Year filled with many things to explore. I know I will be.
As we move ahead out of 2009
We leave a year of special events behind
We begin another year 2010
I start mine as usual with a pen
2009 has so many special memories for me
It showed me of a “Summer Of Love” eternally
A new red bike so my feet won’t be sore
And the many memories too special to ignore
Another adventure in life is about to start
The journey of the soul will play a special part
It will take me far from where I am
And I’ll grow into a stronger man
I haven’t a clue where I will go
I don’t think anyone does know
But I’m open to wherever it will be
For I know it’s written in my destiny
More photos to take, and more poetry
Enjoying the scenery with all I can see
Moving ahead into a New Year
Maybe I’ll start it off with a Root Beer
Wishing everyone a Happy New Year as you move ahead into a New Year filled with many things to explore. I know I will be.
More Or Les
By Bud Lemire on Feb 19, 2009
He is Les, but he gives so much more
His caring ways are hard for him to ignore
You can see him helping Jeannette around
Driving her many places, all over town
He makes buttons from pictures that you own
If you want one made, you’re not alone
Stick it where you want, right on your coat
A favorite relative, or maybe a famous quote
He once saw some ducks and thought of me
Said “this is a place Bud should be”
Not long after, I showed up out of nowhere
And he took a picture of me taking a picture there
I see him often walking around down at the park
I’m sure he sees the beauty found there at every mark
He’s a pleasant man who’s willing to help out
Of this I’m sure you’ll agree, there is no doubt
So with this poem, I’m giving Les some hype
Yes, you know the man, he’s the one Mr.Yeip
For always putting one foot forward and doing his best
I like to think of him as…..More Or Les
Here’s one for you Les Yeip, because you care enough to take the time to help others
He is Les, but he gives so much more
His caring ways are hard for him to ignore
You can see him helping Jeannette around
Driving her many places, all over town
He makes buttons from pictures that you own
If you want one made, you’re not alone
Stick it where you want, right on your coat
A favorite relative, or maybe a famous quote
He once saw some ducks and thought of me
Said “this is a place Bud should be”
Not long after, I showed up out of nowhere
And he took a picture of me taking a picture there
I see him often walking around down at the park
I’m sure he sees the beauty found there at every mark
He’s a pleasant man who’s willing to help out
Of this I’m sure you’ll agree, there is no doubt
So with this poem, I’m giving Les some hype
Yes, you know the man, he’s the one Mr.Yeip
For always putting one foot forward and doing his best
I like to think of him as…..More Or Les
Here’s one for you Les Yeip, because you care enough to take the time to help others
Mina, Heavenly Angel
© by Bud Lemire on June 21, 2009
She was an Angel here, she is an Angel there
On Earth or in Heaven, she spreads her love everywhere
She always found the good in everyone she knew
I’m sure in Heaven, she’s doing it there too
She always appreciated everything in her life
Her dedication made her an extraordinary wife
The bond was so deep, caring for her mate
Every morning she tried, not to be late
Many times, when we don’t live alone
Our caring and attention, isn’t always on our own
So often we need to watch for signs on the inside
Or life will take us, on a bumpy ride
She gave to others, from the depth of her soul
She always knew the way, to make others feel whole
She loved the music that I would always play
And always let me know that I had made her day
I shall always remember, the times that we had shared
And the wonderful woman, who showed how much she cared
“You may have crossed over to the Heavenly place”
“But Mina, Heavenly Angel, I’ll always feel your embrace”
This is in honor of a truly wonderful Angel who has touched so many people with her caring ways. Mina Bernard, who has endured so much, and given so much, and is treasured always. Thank you my friend, for all you have shared with us.
She was an Angel here, she is an Angel there
On Earth or in Heaven, she spreads her love everywhere
She always found the good in everyone she knew
I’m sure in Heaven, she’s doing it there too
She always appreciated everything in her life
Her dedication made her an extraordinary wife
The bond was so deep, caring for her mate
Every morning she tried, not to be late
Many times, when we don’t live alone
Our caring and attention, isn’t always on our own
So often we need to watch for signs on the inside
Or life will take us, on a bumpy ride
She gave to others, from the depth of her soul
She always knew the way, to make others feel whole
She loved the music that I would always play
And always let me know that I had made her day
I shall always remember, the times that we had shared
And the wonderful woman, who showed how much she cared
“You may have crossed over to the Heavenly place”
“But Mina, Heavenly Angel, I’ll always feel your embrace”
This is in honor of a truly wonderful Angel who has touched so many people with her caring ways. Mina Bernard, who has endured so much, and given so much, and is treasured always. Thank you my friend, for all you have shared with us.
Life Is Your Classroom
By Bud Lemire on March 10, 2009
Life is your classroom, the earth, the water, and the sun
Tell me what will you have learned, when your time is done
Experience life through nature’s eye
Look closely at the birds in the sky
We can learn so much from the creatures all around
The lessons being taught can be so profound
A kitten looks out a window, taking note on what is seen
Seeing all life moving by, and what’s in between
The clouds, the sunrise, and the sunset
What do you see, and what do you get
Recognizing what is there, appreciating it all
Opening your eyes to see beyond the wall
Opening your heart as well as your mind
Seeing the treasures, that you will find
The trees, the water, the grass that grows
Seeing and feeling whatever touches our souls
You sit in nature’s classroom, what is it you learn
Whatever you take in, and at your every turn
Life happens, we can only do our best
It’s not so hard, to pass this awareness test
I find that by experiencing life, enjoying nature, appreciating others - you can learn so much more. Value all you learn, and learn from everything you see and know.
Life is your classroom, the earth, the water, and the sun
Tell me what will you have learned, when your time is done
Experience life through nature’s eye
Look closely at the birds in the sky
We can learn so much from the creatures all around
The lessons being taught can be so profound
A kitten looks out a window, taking note on what is seen
Seeing all life moving by, and what’s in between
The clouds, the sunrise, and the sunset
What do you see, and what do you get
Recognizing what is there, appreciating it all
Opening your eyes to see beyond the wall
Opening your heart as well as your mind
Seeing the treasures, that you will find
The trees, the water, the grass that grows
Seeing and feeling whatever touches our souls
You sit in nature’s classroom, what is it you learn
Whatever you take in, and at your every turn
Life happens, we can only do our best
It’s not so hard, to pass this awareness test
I find that by experiencing life, enjoying nature, appreciating others - you can learn so much more. Value all you learn, and learn from everything you see and know.
Joy In Every Day
by Bud Lemire on Jan 24, 2009
The wondrous sight of the butterfly as it goes about flying among the flowers
The birds spreading their wings to fly and taking flight
The clouds in the sky and the magnificent shapes you can see in each one
A rainbow at the end of a rainy day
The smile from a stranger or a friend
Words spoken from the heart and soul and shared
Watching a favorite show on TV
Enjoying your favorite meal
Savoring your favorite drink
Love! Yes, sharing time with someone you feel complete with
Soul connections, life connections, love connections
Helping someone and knowing how much it means to them and how good it feels to you
Listening to music and wanting to get up and dance
Sunset, knowing tomorrow holds so many wonderful things
Drifting into a relaxing sleep and having a wonderful dream that’s not forgotten
Writing poetic verse that comes straight from your soul that everyone loves to read and can relate to
A different kind of a poem for me
The wondrous sight of the butterfly as it goes about flying among the flowers
The birds spreading their wings to fly and taking flight
The clouds in the sky and the magnificent shapes you can see in each one
A rainbow at the end of a rainy day
The smile from a stranger or a friend
Words spoken from the heart and soul and shared
Watching a favorite show on TV
Enjoying your favorite meal
Savoring your favorite drink
Love! Yes, sharing time with someone you feel complete with
Soul connections, life connections, love connections
Helping someone and knowing how much it means to them and how good it feels to you
Listening to music and wanting to get up and dance
Sunset, knowing tomorrow holds so many wonderful things
Drifting into a relaxing sleep and having a wonderful dream that’s not forgotten
Writing poetic verse that comes straight from your soul that everyone loves to read and can relate to
A different kind of a poem for me
Good Deeds That Go On
©By Bud Lemire on April 13, 2009
Good Deeds that go on around here
Are felt strongly in the atmosphere
When someone’s food has run out
And the action of sharing comes about
When someone has less, when others have more
And the giving happens like never before
Thoughtfulness and kindness of the heart
Is more like a soulful work of art
Living here during these times, makes me proud
And I’d tell you the same thing out loud
When someone has bread to spare
They have a heart that knows how to care
When someone makes a meal, and sets it for more
And several are invited to come through the door
Then I know the spirit of giving and sharing
When the human soul is generously caring
When a ride is needed to go somewhere
And some takes the action to get you there
The human soul reaches out
Leaving me without a doubt
Good Deeds that go on around here
Are felt strongly in the atmosphere
Over the Easter holiday I’ve heard of several people who have performed some good deeds. From their hearts and souls, their thoughtfulness and giving brought kindness to another. In this world where news is mostly tragic and sad, it’s truly great to hear about the wonderful people who care and share and make the Good News. Because they’ve made the Good Deeds Go On Around Here.
Good Deeds that go on around here
Are felt strongly in the atmosphere
When someone’s food has run out
And the action of sharing comes about
When someone has less, when others have more
And the giving happens like never before
Thoughtfulness and kindness of the heart
Is more like a soulful work of art
Living here during these times, makes me proud
And I’d tell you the same thing out loud
When someone has bread to spare
They have a heart that knows how to care
When someone makes a meal, and sets it for more
And several are invited to come through the door
Then I know the spirit of giving and sharing
When the human soul is generously caring
When a ride is needed to go somewhere
And some takes the action to get you there
The human soul reaches out
Leaving me without a doubt
Good Deeds that go on around here
Are felt strongly in the atmosphere
Over the Easter holiday I’ve heard of several people who have performed some good deeds. From their hearts and souls, their thoughtfulness and giving brought kindness to another. In this world where news is mostly tragic and sad, it’s truly great to hear about the wonderful people who care and share and make the Good News. Because they’ve made the Good Deeds Go On Around Here.
Gentle Old Soul
By Bud Lemire on March 27, 2009
Gentle and kind is this gentle old soul
A dear friend for company, someone I know
Some Cribbage tonight, or a game of dice
Your wonderful company, sure would be nice
She injured her arm, when she had a fall
Not long before, she had given me a call
She recovered quite well, with her strong will
And has almost full use of her arm still
Inside her apartment, she has some bird clocks
You hear the birds singing, and not the tick tocks
She knows her birds, so very well
If you ask her, she’ll surely tell
She’s a gentle old soul
Everybody loves to know
She’s gentle and kind
And has a good mind
I find her to be a very good friend
And cherish all the time that we spend
Trustworthy and honest, she’s all this too
A dear sweet lady, Loretta it’s you
For my dear friend Loretta LaFave-Iverson, who has aged into a wonderful lady who is always good company
Gentle and kind is this gentle old soul
A dear friend for company, someone I know
Some Cribbage tonight, or a game of dice
Your wonderful company, sure would be nice
She injured her arm, when she had a fall
Not long before, she had given me a call
She recovered quite well, with her strong will
And has almost full use of her arm still
Inside her apartment, she has some bird clocks
You hear the birds singing, and not the tick tocks
She knows her birds, so very well
If you ask her, she’ll surely tell
She’s a gentle old soul
Everybody loves to know
She’s gentle and kind
And has a good mind
I find her to be a very good friend
And cherish all the time that we spend
Trustworthy and honest, she’s all this too
A dear sweet lady, Loretta it’s you
For my dear friend Loretta LaFave-Iverson, who has aged into a wonderful lady who is always good company
Garage Sale
By Bud Lemire on June 20, 2009
I went to a Garage Sale to see what I could see
I found someone there who was looking back at me
She asked me if there was anything I found
I told her, “Not yet, I’m still looking around”
If you look around, the prices are marked down low
On many different things that normally wouldn’t be so
Maybe there’s a book that I’d like to read
You just never know where a sale could lead
I see a box of Cds, so I look to see what’s there
I find a CD for 25 cents, that can’t be ordered anywhere
She tells me there’s three more boxes of books she just put out
So I find myself doing some more wandering about
Maybe there’s something I can get for someone
I’ll just keep on looking, until I am done
Maybe a knickknack will fit someone I know
I look on the tables and in the boxes down below
Maybe an elephant, a cow, or possibly a bear
Something I can find, so that I can share
I guess I’ll take the CD and I’ll go
I wish her luck, hoping more people will show
I walked out the door and was on my way
So happy I found a bargain at the Garage Sale today
Whether it be a Garage Sale, Yard Sale, Rummage Sale, or Estate Sale, it’s always nice to find bargains at these sales. To find something that costs less, yet means so much . And you just never know what you’ll find….a treasure, an antique, a keepsake for many years to come. Whatever it is you find, you’ll be glad you stopped to look.
I went to a Garage Sale to see what I could see
I found someone there who was looking back at me
She asked me if there was anything I found
I told her, “Not yet, I’m still looking around”
If you look around, the prices are marked down low
On many different things that normally wouldn’t be so
Maybe there’s a book that I’d like to read
You just never know where a sale could lead
I see a box of Cds, so I look to see what’s there
I find a CD for 25 cents, that can’t be ordered anywhere
She tells me there’s three more boxes of books she just put out
So I find myself doing some more wandering about
Maybe there’s something I can get for someone
I’ll just keep on looking, until I am done
Maybe a knickknack will fit someone I know
I look on the tables and in the boxes down below
Maybe an elephant, a cow, or possibly a bear
Something I can find, so that I can share
I guess I’ll take the CD and I’ll go
I wish her luck, hoping more people will show
I walked out the door and was on my way
So happy I found a bargain at the Garage Sale today
Whether it be a Garage Sale, Yard Sale, Rummage Sale, or Estate Sale, it’s always nice to find bargains at these sales. To find something that costs less, yet means so much . And you just never know what you’ll find….a treasure, an antique, a keepsake for many years to come. Whatever it is you find, you’ll be glad you stopped to look.
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