Monday, November 28, 2011

One Piece

By Bud Lemire on May 15, 2009

With one piece of the puzzle, what more can you do
Find a place it’ll fit in, to make a bigger picture for you
A piece of puzzle is like life, there’s so much to know
But once the pieces start fitting, everything will show
With one piece, all points connect
Making more sense, with each one you select
It’s just a matter of finding the right place
For everything and everyone has their own space
Sometimes you feel one piece is what you need
To solve life’s problem and take the lead
But like the pieces laid out on the table
When searching with an open mind, all things are able
Patience to prevail will help you see
Where you fit in, one piece is the key
Life is learning gradually, as we move along
The values of knowing what’s right and what’s wrong
You will find several similar pieces will seem to fit
But you’ll notice they don’t, not all of it
So with one piece, what more can you do
But fit them together, so it makes a picture for you

I find that the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle are like life, you’re always searching for that one piece that will make the bigger picture. Sometimes you need to realize, what if that piece is missing and may never be found. Then you accept what you have and are content to see and have what you do. Sometimes the piece might be under the table, and someone points it out to you and you realize it was so much closer than you ever knew. Life is about knowing that you have all the pieces and all you have to do is put them together.

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