Friday, December 23, 2016

Conversation With A Friend

Conversation With A Friend

©1994 by Bud Lemire

There was a special friend, I encountered quite a lot

Upon our first meeting our early visits she forgot

I didn't know that, and sent her a poem and a letter

Along with a Christmas card, in hopes of knowing her better

Christmas Eve she hand delivered a card, saying we should get together

Time passing by, along with the freezing cold weather

I stopped to see her, but she wasn't in at the Antique Mall

Several days later, from Elmer's she gave me a call

Our first meeting was planned, we could get together at last

I'll never forget that Sunday night, as she told me about her past

I was "gaggy" nervous, as I usually am at first

I brought her a Dr. Pepper, to help satisfy her thirst

I was happy to find, she liked Star Trek like I do

"Beam me up Scotty, or rather make that two"

She likes unicorns, Dark Shadows, Country music, and a little Rock

And a special friendship with three cats, that is really hard to knock

As she told me about her life, with pictures of journeys she's made

I found that the time together, was rapidly starting to fade

Although I hardly knew her, I enjoyed her words and her smile

My nervousness gone and forgotten, the visit was highly worthwhile

I wanted to turn back the clocks, and start all over again

Because I was really enjoying, the Conversation With A Friend

This was The Stranger On The Bike that I first met in 1993 at Elmer's County Market, named Rita. We

lost touch with each other after this meeting. Somehow, this meeting gave me the feeling that she has a

memory problem,, and next meeting she would forget me again. I see her often at Elmer's but there's no

recognition in her eyes. I realized now, that my gift to help people was even working at this early time.

Her ex-husband was abusive to her, and her Mom didn't like her at all. I hope that I was able to give her

some comfort in our time together.

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